Isaacdelly / Plutus

An automated bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses
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Idea #269

Closed mardaquat closed 1 year ago

mardaquat commented 1 year ago

Hello I got an idea how to drastically increase the chances of finding a wallet with balance.

  1. We should use 12 word seed phrase (11 words are generated randomly, 12th word is checksum of 11 words before)so if I am right we are "just" guessing 2048^11, (if i am not right its 2048^12 then) then we could use mnemonic to seed with PBKDF2 and then use various derivation paths for BIP44 registered crypto for example ( BTC, ETH , LTC for example top 20 by market cap) they are listed here
  2. Probably using faster language over python for example GO here is like 80 % of code
  3. probably using GPU ?
  4. useful tool
  5. I think some BTC wallets were using 12 word seeds so step 1 could apply for BTC also
  6. Let me know your opinions thx!
GoZippy commented 1 year ago

different kind of tool alltogehter than what Plutus is - but idea is sound... start writing it.

Isaacdelly commented 1 year ago

the probably of creating a seed phrase is identical to creating a random hex private key.

Plus going from seed phrase to address would take an extra step (seed phrase -> hex private key -> public key -> address) so i think it would take longer and over complicate the program.

feel free to try it out yourself