Isaiahensley / Aquatic-RIG

Our Senior Capstone project focuses on developing a Streamlit website dedicated to the visualization of aquatic NetCDF datasets. Aquatic data is inherently complex, being both spatiotemporal—capturing information over different times and space. Our website will let users alternate through time and depth to give comprehensive visuals for their data.
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Grades feedback #31

Closed spaude11 closed 11 months ago

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

[Project Idea]: No comments

Business Model Canvas: Presentation: 100 Standup: 50 - Team consistently submits their standup late. The standups are supposed to be submitted before the start of class.

Information Gathering: No Feedback

Design The Box: No Feedback

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

Elevator Test Statement: Grade: 100

Our project, Aquatic RIG, certainly addresses a niche yet significant need in the field of aquatic data research. An effective elevator test statement should captivate potential stakeholders swiftly, conveying both the essence and unique value proposition of the project. Here are my observations and suggestions on your current statement:

Opening Sentence Complexity: While the opening sentence outlines the problem, it might be a tad verbose. Consider simplifying to make it more accessible to a broader audience.

Descriptive Clarity: The phrase "The Aquatic RIG is a data analysis and data visualization website" is a bit repetitive. It might be clearer to say, "The Aquatic RIG is a web platform for data analysis and visualization."

Technical Jargon: While terms like "deep neural network analysis" might be understood within specific circles, they could be perplexing for stakeholders unfamiliar with the domain. It's essential to strike a balance between technical accuracy and broad appeal.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): The latter part of the statement does an excellent job highlighting what sets Aquatic RIG apart, especially with predicting water currents and aiding in aquatic robot trajectory calculations.

Flow and Brevity: While the statement is comprehensive, it might benefit from a more streamlined flow. An elevator pitch should be succinct while still conveying the key points.

Here's a suggested revision:

"Ever noticed how aquatic researchers struggle with visualizing and predicting complex data? Enter Aquatic RIG: a one-stop web platform that not only visualizes, but also predicts water currents. This aids in planning aquatic robot trajectories and offers intuitive tools to upload and view data. Unlike others, we merge deep analysis with user-friendly interfaces."

The goal is to engage your audience quickly and leave them intrigued about Aquatic RIG's potential. I'm confident that with further refinement, your elevator test statement can do just that.

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

Early Architectural Structure: Grade: 100

There are typos in the document! - You guys need to make sure everything is typed correctly. A typical technology stack diagram might include the following layers:

Frontend (Client-Side) Layer: This represents the user interface and user experience components. It would list out the technologies used to build the application's frontend, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any associated frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Backend (Server-Side) Layer: This layer represents the server-side logic of the application. It might include programming languages like Python, Java, or Node.js, and associated frameworks like Django, Spring, or Express.js.

Database Layer: This layer shows the databases used by the application. It might include relational databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle, or NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Cassandra.

Middleware and APIs: This layer includes any middleware solutions used, like Redis for caching, RabbitMQ for messaging, or specific APIs and services the application relies on.

Infrastructure and Hosting: This layer showcases where the application is hosted, like cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, or traditional web hosts. It might also detail out services like Docker for containerization or Kubernetes for orchestration.

Development & Deployment Tools: This could include version control systems like Git, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins or Travis CI, and other development tools.

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

Story Board: Grade: 90%

Critique of Aquatic Rig's "Storyboard":

Definition Clarity:

Positive: The description provides a clear visualization of the home page's layout and the elements it contains. Critique: While the described content is valuable, it doesn't necessarily fit the traditional definition of a storyboard. A storyboard typically depicts a series of actions or user flows across multiple screens or stages of an application. Content Breakdown:

Positive: The buttons like Data Management, Robotic Information Gathering, Customer Support, and About suggest a well-thought-out categorization of the site's primary functions. The imagery and textual information seem relevant to the application's purpose. Critique: How do these buttons function? For instance, what happens when a user clicks on the "Data Management" button? This is where a traditional storyboard would come in handy, showcasing the user's journey through the application. Visualization & Functionality:

Positive: The emphasis on data visualization, robotic trajectories, and the use of deep neural networks indicates a strong focus on the application's core functionalities. Critique: How does the user interact with these visualizations? How do they upload a dataset? What feedback or results can they expect? Again, a storyboard could depict this flow. Footer Information:

Positive: Highlighting partners and having a copyright notice enhances the site's credibility and professionalism. Critique: It's good practice to ensure that any partner logos or names are used with permission. General Observations:

User Experience: While the layout provides an overview of what users can see, it's equally important to consider how users will interact with the site and what kind of experience they'll have.

Storyboard vs. Wireframe: The description sounds more like a wireframe (a skeletal layout of a webpage) than a storyboard. A storyboard would depict sequences, like how a user would move from the home page after clicking the "Data Management" button, what they'd see next, what actions they could take, and so on.

Interactivity & Flow: A genuine storyboard for Aquatic Rig might depict scenarios such as: "A researcher logs in, uploads a dataset, visualizes it, sets up a robot trajectory, and then sees predictions based on water currents."

In conclusion, while the described content for Aquatic Rig is valuable and provides insight into the application's layout, it might be beneficial to create a true storyboard that depicts user interactions and flows across the platform. This would offer a more comprehensive view of how the website will function from a user's perspective.

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

Business Plan: Grade: 100%

Executive Summary:

Positive: The mission and target market are clearly defined. The emphasis on evolving with customer needs shows adaptability and forward-thinking. Critique: While the unique approach is mentioned, specifics about what makes your service standout or the technical advancements you're offering over competitors could be highlighted. Market Analysis:

Positive: Clearly identifying competitors and your strengths relative to them is essential. Critique: The path to market modifications and strategies could be elaborated upon. How do you plan to differentiate from competitors like HydroSphere and Aquafold beyond face-to-face assistance? Product Description:

Positive: The functionalities of the product are laid out, highlighting key technical tools and methodologies. Critique: Consider expanding on user benefits. How will the product make tasks easier or more efficient for the users? Marketing Strategy:

Positive: Identification of the value proposition and target audience is well done. Critique: The strategy could benefit from a broader multi-channel approach, considering social media, academic conferences, or partnerships with educational institutions. Sales Strategy:

Positive: The direct approach and online advertising cater to both personalized outreach and broader reach. Critique: Consider offering trial periods or demos to potential customers to showcase the platform's capabilities. Financial Projections:

Positive: Clear breakdown of costs and potential revenue. Critique: Development and updates are marked as "N/A." Even if internal, it's crucial to account for these costs. Also, consider adding projections for 3 or 5 years down the line. Risk Analysis:

Positive: Acknowledging potential risks is crucial for any business plan. Critique: Consider a more exhaustive list of risks, including external factors like market shifts, technological advancements, or regulatory changes. Overall Impressions:

Positive: The business plan covers most of the essential components, from product description to financial projections. Critique: Some areas, like the marketing and sales strategies, could be fleshed out more. Consider adding details about the team, their expertise, and why they're the right people to execute this plan. Also, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis can be beneficial. Overall, Aquatic RIG's business plan provides a solid foundation. With a few enhancements and more detailed strategies in specific areas, it can serve as a compelling roadmap for the project's direction and potential success.

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

Envisioning Presentation: Grade 75% Presentation: 100

Standup: 50 - Your team submits their standups late or during class. The standups must be submitted early morning.

Peer Review: No Feedback.

spaude11 commented 11 months ago

Positioning Statement: 100% Critique:

Flow and Structure: The positioning statement starts by discussing a problem, then introduces a solution (robotic data collection), and then immediately presents problems with that solution. This structure can be confusing and may benefit from a more streamlined approach.

Redundancy: The statement mentions the problems with aquatic data collection twice. It could be condensed for clarity.

Solution Clarity: While the solution addresses the problem of water currents affecting robot trajectories, it might be beneficial to emphasize how Aquatic Rig's unique approach or technology makes its predictions and calculations more accurate or efficient than other methods or competitors.

Value Proposition: The value proposition is split between predicting water currents and data organization/visualization. While both are important, the statement could benefit from a clearer emphasis on the primary benefit or advantage Aquatic Rig offers over other solutions.

Revised Positioning Statement:

Aquatic data collection is traditionally time-consuming and costly. While robots can streamline this process, they often face challenges with unpredictable water currents affecting data accuracy. Aquatic Rig revolutionizes this by offering a platform that accurately predicts water currents, ensuring precise robot trajectories. Additionally, our platform serves as a comprehensive hub for uploading, organizing, and visualizing your aquatic data.

This revised statement provides a clearer and more concise overview of the problem and the value Aquatic Rig brings to the table.