Ishi-Singh / AP-CSA

MIT License
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Night at the Museum #1

Open Ishi-Singh opened 1 year ago

Ishi-Singh commented 1 year ago

CSP P1 Cipher Hijinks Total: 9.3 USAGE OF:

HOOK: Points: 3.8 Reason: The project caught my attention, but the hook could have been more interesting since they mainly started talking about their project and didn't give much of an introduction.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 4.0 Reason: Explained how they implemented RSA (the most secure encryption algorithm in modern times) really well. And talked about how they implemented the API and their reason for choosing it.

VALUE: Points: 1.0 Reason: Introduces people to ciphers, which is something interesting and can be applied to cybersecurity, which is a growing field in tech. And overall, it seems to be an interesting concept and can be implemented in various locations.

WOW FACTOR: 0.5 Reason: The overall concept was really interesting, and the implementation of AI also added to the project since it simplified making multiple algorithms for each shift.

Ishi-Singh commented 1 year ago

CSA P1 A-reel Board Total: 9.3 USAGE OF:

HOOK: Points: 4.0 Reason: A relatable problem is described, and a general explanation of how that problem is solved through the website is given. The group also created a welcoming environment for everyone who was interested in learning about their projects.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.8 Reason: Explains the features and their importance and how they work with the backend. Portions of the code are also explained really well, especially how the chatbot was created and the difficulties that were encountered when coding it.

VALUE: Points: 1.0 Reason: Collaboration is something that everyone deals with, so having a centralized website that allows people to do everything they need to do to keep everyone up to date makes this process easier to do. I also really like the chatbot feature because it allows a person to have some of their questions answered during their meeting, making it so that they don't have to wait until the meeting is over to get answers, eliminating the possibility that they forget their question.

WOW FACTOR: 0.5 Reason: It's something interesting

Ishi-Singh commented 1 year ago

CSA P1 Robot Total: 9.8 USAGE OF:

HOOK: Points: 4.0 Reason: Their project was inherently interesting since it had a robot, and that was an interesting demonstration of the code. They were also very enthusiastic to share their project and created an energetic vibe.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 4.0 Reason: Many parts of the project were explained really well, especially how the robot was coded since they used a Rasberry Pi (which typically used Python) and how they were able to fix problems that were raised using Java when Python should be used instead. They also were able to talk about how they built the robot, the difficulties they encountered, and how they fixed them.

VALUE: Points: 0.8 Reason: There doesn't seem to be much of an impact made, and this can't really be applied in many places. However, it does have the ability to inspire those who are interested in pursuing robotics or something similar.

WOW FACTOR: 1.0 Reason: It's a robot!