I keep trying to recreate a new world 3x the vanilla size of a Large world. I input the x and y values times 3 (8400 x 3) and ( 2400 x 3). Along with all the other values in the Vanilla and overhauled configuration. Every time, I'm presented with the line:
A problem was encountered during world generation
System. Argument Out ORangeException: min Value must be less than maxValue (Parameter minValue)
at Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom.Nex)(Int32 min Value, (n 32 max Value) in iMo do a der ) Terraria vunlities WUnifiedRan dom. «siline 90
al Advanced WorkaGen.BetterVanillaNorld&en ResetPaaa App) yPass@ in Advanced Wort aGen NBetter Vani (la WorldGen VResetPapa. co:line 180
al Advance diNorlaGen,.Better Vanilla NorI aGren Replacer. Timer(@rig__Apply orig. GenPass sell, GenerationProgress progress, Gamecontiguration
configuration) in Advance diNorldGen\BetterVanillaWorldGen\ReplacerHooks.co.line107
at DMD *Terraria, World Building. World&enerator: Generate World» (WorlaGenerator this, GenerationProgress progress)
I keep trying to recreate a new world 3x the vanilla size of a Large world. I input the x and y values times 3 (8400 x 3) and ( 2400 x 3). Along with all the other values in the Vanilla and overhauled configuration. Every time, I'm presented with the line: A problem was encountered during world generation Reset System. Argument Out ORangeException: min Value must be less than maxValue (Parameter minValue) at Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom.Nex)(Int32 min Value, (n 32 max Value) in iMo do a der ) Terraria vunlities WUnifiedRan dom. «siline 90 al Advanced WorkaGen.BetterVanillaNorld&en ResetPaaa App) yPass@ in Advanced Wort aGen NBetter Vani (la WorldGen VResetPapa. co:line 180 al Advance diNorlaGen,.Better Vanilla NorI aGren Replacer. Timer(@rig__Apply orig. GenPass sell, GenerationProgress progress, Gamecontiguration configuration) in Advance diNorldGen\BetterVanillaWorldGen\ReplacerHooks.co.line107 at DMD *Terraria, World Building. World&enerator: Generate World» (WorlaGenerator this, GenerationProgress progress)