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OSIS Coverdale
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Character frequencies #3

Open DavidHaslam opened 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Here's a character frequency count for the validated XML file.


BabelPad has a menu option for this.

Of particular concern.

U+0028  (   2,214   LEFT PARENTHESIS
U+0029  )   2,213   RIGHT PARENTHESIS

Is there a right ) missing?

U+00A0      1   NO-BREAK SPACE

Probably not required.


Superscripted letters might be better done with ordinary letters marked with the OSIS hi element.

<hi type="super">e</hi>

cf. SWORD users would not expect to have to use those two combining letters in searching.

There may be an even better way to preserve the original appearance of the the printed work and yet still provide the "expected" words for SWORD users.

Aside: Did Coverdale really have or did he use the letter thorn ? i.e. þͤ etc.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Maybe we should consider the OSIS abbr element for those shortened words?

<abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr>

<abbr expansion="that">yͭ</abbr>

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago


<abbr expansion="children">childrē</abbr>


DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

The NO-BREAK SPACE occurs in 1 Samuel 5:1 which reads:

<verse osisID="1Sam.5.1"> As for the Arke of God, the Philistynes toke it and broughte it from the stone of helpe vnto A dod</verse>

It's in the last word, which in the KJV reads Ashdod. Looks like a transcription error.

Elsewhere in the digital text, the word is Asdod though there are 6 matches to A?dod.

Perhaps the real issue here is that another combining letter was used?

Should all of these really be Asͪdod ? Is that why there were the transcription faults?

How many other words might also contain the combined character ?

cf. In total there are 366 matches to the regexp \w*\?\w+ .

Each of these locations should be reviewed. I will extract a list.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Here is a tab delimited text file containing a counted list of strings that contain a question mark at other than the final position.


lemtom commented 6 years ago The scan has yͤ, it’s the common typographic substantiation for thorn as far as I know.

The scans are unfortunately rather cumbersome to peruse.

The macrons being omitted led me to believe the transcription was always ascii-based, but the question marks and spaces do point at it being saved with incorrect character mapping. Unfortunately, Google only points at a study bible website with the same transcription source.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Here is a counted list of non-space strings containing a capital letter after the first character:


The search pattern excludes LORDE and excludes XML markup.

Each of these locations needs to be reviewed and corrected.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply in the last but one comment here, @lemtom

Understood. That clarifies matters as regards the two shortened words that use those combining letters.

Yes- I agree - it's a tedious task to proof-read such a transcription, with the online images being so slow to render and zoom.

btw. Was the initial digitisation the one from Slavic Bible website by Sergej A Fedosov ? If so, please state this provenance in the README. That will help newcomers, and save folk wasting time looking elsewhere. NB. Some of the texts at the Wesley Center Online came to them from that source.

lemtom commented 6 years ago

Someone forwarded this transcription by someone, and he did not state the provenance. I’m not familiar with Slavic Bible Online, and I can't seem to find a working website for it. But if it is/was on there, it is quite likely the same.

Thank you for your counted lists. I have begun going through it, and already most ominous «[Hebrew:» turns out to be [Hebrew: t], the transcriber noting that a ת‎ should be inserted instead.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Last time I found it as Slavic Bible.

He's mentioned in this wiki page in relation to his work on the Tyndale Bible.

Some problems with Fedosov's work is that he didn't transcribe the line over vowels that represented a n, or m--so the text has a lot of hi meaning him, the meaning them, wet meaning went etc...where these are not spellings that the printer used. He also transcribed the þt, þe and such thorn symbols as ye, yt instead of the, that, etc...but transcribed the "and" symbol (&) as "and".

Some of the same observations were relevant to the earlier transcription of the Wycliffe Bible. That's now on WikiSource, and also available as a SWORD module.

He also transcribed the ME letter yogh as y. That's not yet been fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Counted lists and other tasks were each done using a bespoke TextPipe filter.

I'm a great fan of DataMystic TextPipe, and have been using TextPipe Standard since 2001. It's not free and nor is it open source. It's the main breadwinner for Simon Carter in Australia. It's a Windows program, but I'm told it will work in WINE.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

@lemtom Following your commits on 4 February 2018, I have updated the character frequency analysis.



The numerical mismatch for left and right parentheses is still unfixed.

U+0028  (   2,214   LEFT PARENTHESIS
U+0029  )   2,213   RIGHT PARENTHESIS

There is still a single no-break space.

U+00A0      1   NO-BREAK SPACE

There are two Hebrew letters and left to right marks.

U+200E  ‎   2   LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK
lemtom commented 6 years ago

The Hebrew letters appear in the source scans, Ezekiel 9:

set this marck ת‎ Thau vpo the foreheades

that haue this marck ת‎ Thau vpo them

lemtom commented 6 years ago


DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

The no break space occurs in the word A dod which in other locations is now written as Aßdod.

lemtom commented 6 years ago

Thank you, double checked it in the scan and it indeed should be Aßdod.

lemtom commented 6 years ago

As for the parentheses, I constructed this regex for finding verses containing only one phrase

<verse osisID="[0-9]*[A-z]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+">[^)]*\([^)]*<\/verse>

It of course also catches false positives (multiverse sentences).

I unfortunately immediately stumbled upon a problem. The source itself is not coherent with its parentheses

Third paragraph of II. chapter, in the xml file:

(o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> doughters of Ierusalem (

the source scan also has the same wrong second parenthesis. (also highlights another problem, that not every ye is yͤ)

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Does the scan really use the LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S ß ?

cf. Did you consider also preserving the use of the archaic letter long s ?

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Good catch about the "not every ye is yͤ" !

Search results for similar constructions (case insensitive):

        <verse osisID="Ps.4.2"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> sonnes off men: how longe will <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> blaspheme myne honoure? why haue <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> soch pleasure in vanyte, &amp; seke after lyes? <l type="selah">Sela.</l></verse>
        <verse osisID="Ps.58.1"> Yf youre myndes be vpon rightuousnesse in dede, then iudge the thinge that is right, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> sonnes of men. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ps.68.32"> Synge vnto God, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> kyngdomes of the earth: o synge prayses vnto the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>. <l type="selah">Sela.</l></verse>
        <verse osisID="Ps.94.8"> Take hede, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> vnwise amonge the people: o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> fooles, when wil <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> vnderstonde? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ps.97.10"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> that loue the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, se that <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> hate the thinge which is euell: the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> preserueth the soules of his sayntes, he shal delyuer the from the honde of the vngodly. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ps.105.6"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> sede of Abraham his seruaunt, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> children of Iacob his chosen. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ps.135.1"> O prayse <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> name of <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, praise it o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> seruautes of <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> <divineName>LORDE</divineName>. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Prov.1.22"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> childrē, how loge wil <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> loue childyshnesse? how longe wil <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> scorners delyte in scornynge, &amp; <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> vnwyse be enemies vnto knowlege? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Prov.8.4"> It is you, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> men (sayeth she) whom I call. Unto you (o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> childrē of me) lift I vp my voyce. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Prov.8.5"> Take hede vnto knowlege o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ignoraut, be wyse in herte o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> fooles. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Prov.8.5"> Take hede vnto knowlege o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ignoraut, be wyse in herte o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> fooles. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Song.5.1"> Come in to my garden o my sister, my spouse: I haue gathered my Myrre <abbr expansion="with">wͭ</abbr> my spyce. I wil eate my hony and my hony cobe, I wil drynke my wyne &amp; my mylk Eate o (ye frendes) drynke and be mery, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> beloued. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Isa.32.10"> After yeares and dayes shal <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> be brought in feare, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> carelesse cities. For Haruest shalbe out, and the grape gatheringe shal not come. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Isa.32.11"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> rich ydle cities, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> that feare no parell, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shalbe abashed and remoued: when <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> se the barennesse, the nakednesse and preparinge to warre. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Isa.42.18"> Heare, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> deaf men, and sharpen youre sightes to se (o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> blinde.) </verse>
        <verse osisID="Isa.46.12"> Heare me, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> that are of an hie stomack, but farre from rightuousnesse. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.3.14"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shrenkinge children, turne agayne, saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, and I wilbe maried with you. For I will take one out of the citie and two out of one generacion from amoge you, and bringe you out of Sion: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.3.22"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shrenkinge children, turne agayne, (saynge: lo, we are thine, for thou art the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> oure God:) And so shal I heale youre bacturnynges. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.18.6"> Maye not I do <abbr expansion="with">wͭ</abbr> you, as this Potter doth, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house off Israel? saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>? Beholde, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house off Israel: <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> are in my honde, euen as the claye in the Potters honde. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.25.34"> Mourne (o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shepherdes) &amp; crie: sprinckle youre selues with aßshes, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> rammes of the flocke: for the tyme of youre slaughter is fulfilled, and <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shal fall like vessels connyngly made for pleasure. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.42.15"> Wherfore heare now the worde of the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> remnaunt of Iuda. Thus saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> of hoostes the God of Israel: Yf <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> be whole purposed to go in to Egipte, ad to be there as straugers: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.49.8"> Get you hence, turne youre backes, crepe downe into the depe, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> citesyns off Dedan. For I will bringe destructio vpon Esau, yee and the daye off his visitacion. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Jer.49.30"> Fle, get you soone awaye, crepe in to caues, that <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> maye dwell there: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> inhabitours of Hasor, saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>: for Nabuchodonosor <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> kinge of Babilon hath holden a councel concernynge you, &amp; concluded his deuyce agaynst you. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Lam.1.12"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> all that go fore by, beholde and se, yf there be eny sorowe like vnto myne, wherwith the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> hath troubled me, in the daye of his fearefull wrath. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.6.3"> and saye: Heare the worde of the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> mountaynes off Israel: Thus hath the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God spoken to the moutaynes, hilles, valleys and dales: Beholde, I will brynge a swearde ouer you, and destroye youre hie places: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.18.29"> And yet saieth the house of Israel: Tush, the waye of the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> is not equall. Are my wayes vnright, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel? Are not youre wayes rather vnequall? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.18.30"> As for me, I wil iudge euery man, acordinge to his wayes, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel, saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God. Wherfore, be conuerted, and turne you clene from all youre wickednesse, so shal there no synne do you harme. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.18.31"> Cast awaye frō you all youre vngodlynesse, that <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> haue done: make you new hertes and a new sprete. Wherfore wil <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> dye, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.20.31"> In all youre Idols, where vnto <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> bringe youre oblacios, &amp; to whose honoure <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> burne youre children: <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> defyle youre selues, euen vnto this daye: how darre <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> the come, and axe eny question at me? O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> housholde of Israel? As truly as I lyue (saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God) <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> get no answere of me: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.20.44"> And <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shal knowe, that I am the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>: when I entreate you after my name, not after yor wicked wayes, ner acordinge to youre corrupte workes: o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel, saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.23.45"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> all that loue vertue and rightuousnes, iudge the, punysh them: as aduoutrers and murtherers ought to be iudged and punyshed. For they are breakers off wedlocke, and the bloude is in their hondes. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.33.11"> Tell them: As truly as I lyue (saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God) I haue no pleasure in the death off the wicked, but moch rather that the wicked turne from his waye and lyue. Turne you, turne you from yor vngodly wayes, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> off the house off Israel. Oh, wherfore will <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> dye? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.33.20"> Yet <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> saye: the waye of <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> <divineName>LORDE</divineName> is not equall. O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel, I wil iudge euery one of you after his wayes. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.34.7"> Therfore o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shepherdes heare the worde off the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.34.9"> Therfore heare <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> worde off the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shepherdes: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.36.1"> Thou sonne of man, prophecie vpon the mountaynes of Israel, &amp; speake: Heare the worde of the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> mountaynes of Israel: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.36.4"> Therfore, heare the worde of the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> mountaynes of Israel: Thus saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God vnto the mountaynes and hilles, valleys &amp; dales, to the voyde wildernesses &amp; desolate cities, which are spoyled, and had in derision on euery syde, amonge the resydue of the Heithe: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Ezek.45.9"> Thus saieth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> princes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> haue now oppressed and destroyed ynough: now leaue of, handle now acordinge to the thinge, that is equall and laufull: and thrust out my people nomore, sayeth <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Dan.3.4"> the bedell cried out <abbr expansion="with">wͭ</abbr> all his might: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> people, kynreddes and tunges, to you be it sayde: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Hos.4.1"> Heare <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> worde of the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> children of Israel: For the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> must punysh the, <abbr expansion="that">yͭ</abbr> dwel in the londe. And why? There is no faithfulnesse, there is no mercy, there is no knowlege of God in the lode: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Hos.5.1"> Heare this, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prestes: take hede, o thou housholde of Israel: geue eare, o thou kingly house: for this punyshment wil come vpon you, that are become a snare vnto Myspa, and a spred net vnto the mount of Thabor. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Joel.1.2"> Heare o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> elders: podre this wel, all <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> that dwell in the lode: yf euer there happened soch a thinge in youre dayes, or in <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> dayes of youre fathers. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Joel.1.13"> Gyrde you, &amp; make yor mone, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prestes: mourne <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ministres of the aulter: go youre waye in, &amp; slepe in sack cloth, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> officers of my God: for the meat &amp; drynkofferynge shalbe taken awaye from the house of yor God. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Joel.1.13"> Gyrde you, &amp; make yor mone, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prestes: mourne <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ministres of the aulter: go youre waye in, &amp; slepe in sack cloth, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> officers of my God: for the meat &amp; drynkofferynge shalbe taken awaye from the house of yor God. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.2.11"> I raysed vp prophetes amonge youre children, and absteyners amonge youre yoge men. Is it not so, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> children of Israel, sayeth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.4.1"> Heare this worde, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> fat kyne, that be vpon the hill of Samaria: <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> that do poore me wronge, and oppresse the nedy: <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> that saye to youre lordes: brynge hyther, let vs drynke. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.4.5"> <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> made a thakofferinge off leuen, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> promised frewillofferinges, and proclamed them. Soch lust had ye, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> children of Israel, sayeth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.5.25"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel, gaue <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> me offeringes and sacrifices those xl. yeares longe in the wyldernesse? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.6.14"> Well, take hede, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house off Israel, sayeth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> God of hoostes: I wil brynge a people vpo you, which shall trouble you, from the waye that goeth towarde Hemath, vnto the broke in the medowe. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.8.4"> Heare this, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> <abbr expansion="that">yͭ</abbr> oppresse the poore, and destroye the nedy in <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> londe, sayenge: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Amos.9.7"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> children off Israel, are <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> not vnto me, euen as the Morians, sayeth the <divineName>LORDE</divineName>? haue not I brought Israel out off the londe off Egipte, the Philistynes from Capthor, and the Sirians frō Cyr? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Mic.3.1"> Heare, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> heades of the house of Iacob, and <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> leders of the house of Israel: Shulde not <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> knowe, what were laufull and right? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Mic.3.11"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> iudges, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> geue sentence for giftes: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> preastes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> teach for lucre: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prophetes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Mic.3.11"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> iudges, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> geue sentence for giftes: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> preastes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> teach for lucre: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prophetes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Mic.3.11"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> iudges, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> geue sentence for giftes: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> preastes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> teach for lucre: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prophetes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the <divineName>LORDE</divineName> amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Zeph.2.1"> Come together and gather you, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> frauwerde people: </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.6.30"> Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, which is to daye in the felde, and to morowe shalbe cast into the fornace: shal he not moch more do the same vnto you, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> of lytle fayth? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.8.26"> And he sayde vnto them: why are <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> fearfull, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> of lytell faithe? Then he arose, and rebuked the wyndes and the see, &amp; there folowed a greate calme. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.12.34"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> generacio of vypers, how can <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> speake good, whan <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> youre selues are euell? For of <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> abundace of <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> hert <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> mouth speaketh. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.16.3"> And in <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> mornynge, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> saye: It wil be foule wedder to daye, for the sskye is reed, &amp; gloometh. O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ypocrytes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> can discerne the fashion of <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> sskye: can <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> not the discerne the tokes of these tymes also? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.16.8"> Whe Iesus perceaued yͭ, he sayde to the: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> of litle faith, why are <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> combred (in yor mindes (because <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> haue take no bred <abbr expansion="with">wͭ</abbr> you? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.22.18"> Now wha Iesus perceaued their wickednes, he sayde: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ypocrites, why tepte <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> me? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.23.24"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> blynde gydes, which strayne out a gnat, but swalowe vp a Camell. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.23.33"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> serpentes, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> generacion of vypers, how wyl <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> escape the damnacion of Hell? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Matt.23.33"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> serpentes, O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> generacion of vypers, how wyl <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> escape the damnacion of Hell? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Luke.12.28"> Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, <abbr expansion="that">yͭ</abbr> is to daye in <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> felde, and tomorow shalbe cast in to the fornace, how moch more shal he clothe you, o <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> of litle faith? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Luke.12.56"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> ypocrytes, <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> can discerne the fashion of the skye and of the earth: Why can <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> not discerne this tyme also? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Luke.24.25"> And he sayde vnto the: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> fooles and slowe of hert to beleue all that the prophetes haue spoke? </verse>
        <verse osisID="Acts.7.42"> But God turned himselfe, &amp; gaue them vp, so that they worshipped the hooste of heauē, as it is wrytten in the boke of the prophetes: O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> house of Israel, gaue <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> me sacrifices and catel those fortye yeares in the wyldernesse? </verse>
        <verse osisID="2Cor.6.11"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> Corinthians, oure mouth is open vnto you, oure hert is made large. </verse>
        <verse osisID="Gal.3.1"> O <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> folishe Galathias, who hath bewitched you, that <abbr expansion="the">yͤ</abbr> shulde not beleue the trueth? To who Iesus Christ was descrybed before the eyes and amonge you crucified. </verse>

cf. A match case search for the whole word o gave 540 matches. Should any of these have uppercase O ?

lemtom commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I have considered preserving the long s, though I will need to be extremely certain of any regex I construct for doing so.

The ß: doubles Beautiful typographic version even, clearly showing itself as the ſs ligature.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

I doubt it's feasible using regexp if you're after accuracy. Given the use of the long s varied between English, French and Italian, and even between different periods of English, I expect devising a consistent rule for its occurrence in the Coverdale Bible may be impossible.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Here's an update after the commit yesterday by @lemtom
