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Islandora Enterprise (ISLE) is a community project that addresses two of the most significant pain-points in Islandora: installation and maintenance.
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Confused in the docs... What's literal and what's variable? #116

Closed McFateM closed 5 years ago

McFateM commented 6 years ago

Working through the and I'm frequently confused: What is to be taken literally, and what is "variable"? An example from Step 2 of the aforementioned document:

The docker-compose.yml file found within /opt/ISLE/config/enduser-renamed-directory-prod.institution is ready for editing to "point" to these data directories. This process will be explained in further detail in Step 6 of this guide.

Overall, I find this paragraph, and some others, invoke more questions than answers.

In my case, I have no /opt/ISLE/config/enduser-renamed-directory-prod.institution directory, but I did find an isle-prod-project.institution directory at that location. Is one of these names "literal", not to be modified, or are one or both "variable"?

A suggestion... Is it too late to adopt a convention here? Maybe using {curly braces} to wrap elements of the text that are "variable"? If that were the case, then my interpretation, right or wrong, of the paragraph above would read something like this:

The docker-compose.yml file found within /opt/ISLE/config/{enduser-renamed-directory}-prod.{institution} is ready for editing to "point" to these data directories. This process will be explained in further detail in Step 6 of this guide.

Assuming a convention like this, I'd expect to find other references to {enduser-renamed-directory} and {institution} elsewhere in the document, and perhaps in some of the code, and I would expect to give all matching {variables} the same value.

Another case in point... there's a section of with a directory tree diagram like so:

Example future directory structure:

|  ├── apache  
|  ├── fedora   
|  ├── mysql  
|  └── solr  
|  ├── apache  
|  ├── fedora   
|  ├── mysql  
|  └── solr  
|  ├── apache  
|  ├── fedora   
|  ├── mysql  
|  └── solr     

When I worked through that section of the document I assumed something like this:

Example future directory structure:

|  ├── apache  
|  ├── fedora   
|  ├── mysql  
|  └── solr  
|  ├── apache  
|  ├── fedora   
|  ├── mysql  
|  └── solr  
|  ├── apache  
|  ├── fedora   
|  ├── mysql  
|  └── solr     

And I made the following "global" substitutions in my build...

Comments? Suggestions?

hamhpc commented 6 years ago

Thanks for bringing this up. This is about where I'm at (once I have my 3TB massaged in the islandora_production_data_storage directory). I also would ask to remove the .institution from the whole thing. At each location we are the institution aren't we? So it's semi-redundant. It might make sense for a private company though, that manages lots of different "institutions" ;-) so I can see the merit. But to make it as simple as possible I'd just remove it and leave it for the enduser to decide.

I'd also like to see the /ISLE/config/isle-prod-project.institution get renamed to isle-config-template or something of the sort to indicate it's a "template". Then in the instructions for this I'd replace {enduser-renamed-directory} to {copy_of_isle_config_template_dir}-prod or something like that. To help indicate what those directories are.


Steven L. Young Unix/HPC System Administrator Hamilton College

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Mark McFate wrote:

Working through the and I'm frequently confused: What is to be taken literally, and what is "variable"? An example from Step 2 of the aforementioned document:

The docker-compose.yml file found within /opt/ISLE/config/enduser- renamed-directory-prod.institution is ready for editing to "point" to these data directories. This process will be explained in further detail in Step 6 of this guide.

Overall, I find this paragraph, and some others, invoke more questions than answers.

In my case, I have no /opt/ISLE/config/enduser-renamed-directory-prod.institution file, but I did find an isle-prod-project.institution file at that location. Is one of these names "literal", not to be modified, or is one or both "variable"?

A suggestion... Is it too late to adopt a convention here? Maybe using {curly braces} to wrap elements of the text that are "variable"? If that were the case, then my interpretation of the paragraph above would read something like this:

The docker-compose.yml file found within /opt/ISLE/config/{enduser- renamed-directory}-prod.{institution} is ready for editing to "point" to these data directories. This process will be explained in further detail in Step 6 of this guide.

Assuming a convention like this, I'd expect to find other references to {enduser-renamed-directory} and {institution} elsewhere in the document, and perhaps in some of the code, and I would expect to give all matching {variables} the same value.

Another case in point... there's a section of with a directory tree diagram like so:

Example future directory structure:

/path_to/isle_production_data_storage/ ├──enduser-renamed-directory-dev.institution ├── apache ├── fedora ├── mysql └── solr
       |  ├── apache
       |  ├── fedora
       |  ├── mysql
       |  └── solr
       |  ├── apache
       |  ├── fedora
       |  ├── mysql
       |  └── solr

When I worked through that section of the document I assumed something like this:

Example future directory structure:

/{mount}/isle_production_data_storage/ ├──{enduser-renamed-directory}-dev.{institution} ├── apache ├── fedora ├── mysql └── solr
       |  ├── apache
       |  ├── fedora
       |  ├── mysql
       |  └── solr
       |  ├── apache
       |  ├── fedora
       |  ├── mysql
       |  └── solr

And I made the following "global" substitutions in my build...

  • {mount} = mnt
  • {enduser-renamed-directory} = dg
  • {institution} = grinnell

Comments? Suggestions?

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dmer commented 6 years ago

We discussed this morning adding glossary of terms and variables - this can be a separate page in the docs that defines some of the more basic terminology and also has all of the "variables" called out and explained