Add the following options to the webform configuration page's total submissions limit and per user submissions limit: "ever, per Islandora object" and "at a time, per Islandora object".
The purpose of this is to provide the option to restrict submissions of a given webform per islandora object; either total submissions or for the current user.
"Ever..." means all submissions for this object. To permit new submissions, you would need to delete existing submissions.
"At a time..." means submissions exist that have not been ingested. Once existing submissions for this object are either deleted or ingested, then new submissions are allowed.
Add the following options to the webform configuration page's total submissions limit and per user submissions limit: "ever, per Islandora object" and "at a time, per Islandora object".
The purpose of this is to provide the option to restrict submissions of a given webform per islandora object; either total submissions or for the current user.