Islandora-Collaboration-Group / islandora_webform

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Make locations of webform link and inline ajax webform alterable #37

Open patdunlavey opened 7 years ago

patdunlavey commented 7 years ago

Currently, the webform links are appended to the bottom of the object display (using hook_islandora_view_object_alter). When inline ajax is enabled, the webform is appended inside the div containing the links. There is no ability to position the links or the webform that pops up anywhere else in the page. Also, there is no ability to alter the individual webform link markup.

It's possible, with normal Drupal theming practices, to add the webform links to another location on the page. But the default webform links location below the object cannot easily be removed.

Proposed solution:

patdunlavey commented 7 years ago

Pull request:

petermacdonald commented 7 years ago

Hi Pat:

While socked in with snow for a couple of days, I decided to give the Islandora webform a test according to some instructions CM recently sent me.

I used the following instructions for testing the IW. To test it I downloaded a fresh Vagrant instance of Islandora 7.x-1.9RC1.

  1. Install islandora_webform, webform and webform_ajax; create a webform configured to display a link to an inline webform for an islandora object. Does the link appear and load the webform as before?

OUTCOME: Yes, the webform appears as a link and loads the webform as before. But when I went back to the "Islandora Ingest" menu to make a change, I got the following red-letter error message.

"Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$islandora in iwi_save_webform_configuration() (line 645 of /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/islandora_webform/submodules/islandora_webform_ingest/includes/"

I then enabled the "Islandora example simple text" module and that error went away.

  1. Go to /admin/islandora/configure/iw and uncheck the checkbox "Append webform links to bottom of object view?". Do webform links no longer appear?

OUTCOME: When I go to /admin/islandora/configure/iw, there is no checkbox labeled "Append webform links to bottom of object view?". I see only a drop-down box labeled "Webform link behavior" with two options "New Tab" or "Sample window".

I'm assuming I either didn't clone the right branch or I didn't apply the right patch(es), which I don't know how to do.

Drupal reports IW is version 7.x-1.4-rc1. I didn't want to proceed without having an up-to-date repo. Sorry.

Please walk me through how to update IW so I can proceed with testing properly. Peter