Closed mjordan closed 9 years ago
You're not going crazier (or perhaps I'm going crazier with you) because I also don't see it on my instance.
Thanks for the sanity check!
I'm running an instance as of 45b3e0acda5f0a967f736f66f823f453cfa5247a and I the purge UI elements are present.
Well, we changed how we installed and enabled modules. I'd start with troubleshooting there. I'm pretty swamped for the next couple days, so not sure how useful I would be.
I can troubleshoot too. Funny thing to stop working because of the way modules are enabled, but you're right, that's the leading suspect.
First issue I've noticed, is that the default/global XACML deployment is not happening as is supposed to happen here. We're getting all the policies, but some of them are not removed like they should be.
After deploying the correct default/global XACML setup, tailing fedora.log (with DEBUG enabled), grepping for policy enforcement, and trying to access http://localhost:8000/islandora/object/islandora%3A1/delete, this is what we're looking at:
root@islandora:/usr/local/fedora/server/logs# tail -f fedora.log | grep "AUTHZ: permits"
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.321 [http-bio-8080-exec-22] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.330 [http-bio-8080-exec-22] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.344 [http-bio-8080-exec-21] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.353 [http-bio-8080-exec-16] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.362 [http-bio-8080-exec-1] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.372 [http-bio-8080-exec-6] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.392 [http-bio-8080-exec-6] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
DEBUG 2015-05-20 17:49:14.402 [http-bio-8080-exec-11] (AbstractPolicyEnforcementPoint) AUTHZ: permits=1 denies=0 indeterminates=0 notApplicables=0 unexpecteds=0
I'm not sure it is the XACML deployment. But, I'm not sure where the " Access denied You are not authorized to access this page." message in Drupal is coming from when we hit that page.
Testing out removing the make drush script.
Can y'all do a sanity test on the issue52-59 branch?
Yup, will do so this afternoon.
We are sane. UI to purge objects at the object level and in a batch via their collection is there.
Logged in as admin (uid 1), I am not seeing the button in objects' Properties tab to purge the object, nor am I seeing the "Delete members of this collection" UI in the collection tab. Screencaps attached. Anyone else see this behavior or am I going crazier?