@seth-shaw-unlv and @noahwsmith showed off cool ways to use views and themes to deal with collection-y objects.
Seth had: a slideshow (flexslider) that loads the child in the appropriate viewer (openseadragon OR pdfjs)
Noah had: A way to do newspapers/books so that they had "whole item" "pages" and, if you are on a page, a "page" tab. This included some views and themes that are in Born Digital's repo - to be made public soon.
@seth-shaw-unlv and @noahwsmith showed off cool ways to use views and themes to deal with collection-y objects.
Seth had: a slideshow (flexslider) that loads the child in the appropriate viewer (openseadragon OR pdfjs)
Noah had: A way to do newspapers/books so that they had "whole item" "pages" and, if you are on a page, a "page" tab. This included some views and themes that are in Born Digital's repo - to be made public soon.
edit: sorry, tagged the wrong N. Smith.