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Saving imported GMX projects as GMK leaves incompatible "Extensions" artifact. #198

Closed BPzeBanshee closed 5 years ago

BPzeBanshee commented 9 years ago

In my testing of another bug I accidentally encountered this issue that I'm told is strictly LateralGM-land. A picture tells a thousand words so here's a screenshot: test1

To be precise, the Extension Packages has become a non-usable folder called "Extensions" and "Timelines" is written differently from Game Maker 8.0 Pro's default GMK output "Time Lines".

I replicated this issue by: 1) importing and old GMK into Studio OR creating a new project in Studio v1.4.199 2) opening the resulting GMX project in LateralGM (at this point you'll notice there's Extension Packages and also the Extensions folder) 3) saving as a GMK 4) opening said GMK in Game Maker 8.0 Pro

RobertBColton commented 5 years ago

For clarity, here is what GM8.1 and GM8.0 are supposed to look like. GM 8.0 Tree

Also I should mention, the problem is more extensive than described here. If you then continue and reload the GMK that was written by LGM, you get the following tree in LGM: LGM Two Extension Folders

RobertBColton commented 5 years ago

Closing as resolved by #428. The other part of this issue about the root node names has been split out to #429.