IsoFrieze / SMWDisX

SMW Disassembly X
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Improve Readability #11

Open IsoFrieze opened 2 years ago

IsoFrieze commented 2 years ago

I need to sit down and rethink how I want the disassembly formatted. Right now it's just very clunky and the files are even too big to be displayed in githubs online viewer. The whole point of having the offset as a comment on each line was so that it was easy to find where each instruction is located in the ROM. So if you need to go to ROM address $019343, you open bank_01.asm and ctrl+F for 9343. Of course, having five different versions of the game in the disassembly means that 5 different offsets need to be written for each line, which adds up and makes it super bulky. If I do remove them, I need to find another way to be able to easily locate where you are in the ROM. Maybe this will be just a comment before each routine, before each data table, not too sure. It would just be nice if the only comments were comments about the code.

Maybe it would be possible too to have two versions of the disassembly, one with way too much information (ROM offsets and assembled machine code for each line), and then a script that strips all of that away to automatically generate the more readable version. I'm not sure, and will be brainstorming in this issue. If you have any suggestions regarding the format of the disassembly, you can post them here as well.

IsoFrieze commented 2 years ago

I removed the PCs from each line for now, and the filesize for each bank went down by almost half, heh. I might just make big comment header things for routine entry points that will have all 5 offsets.