IsolatedLun / PzCompare-Build

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Many items are missing #2

Closed cosmo-naut closed 2 years ago

cosmo-naut commented 2 years ago

Where are you getting your item data? There's a lot of stuff missing from Brita's Perhaps your data ingesting is not working correctly, does your backend read the game/mod json files directly?

IsolatedLun commented 2 years ago

I have a script where it parses the files that contain items, but I cannot find where Brita's stores their item data... (I'm currently re-downloading the mod, if it is fixed I'll close this issue :D)

IsolatedLun commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, the way that Brita's data has been written in the files (located in the scripts folder), I cannot retrieve/parse items... In order for any item to be retrieved should be in this format:

item Saucepan { DisplayCategory = Cooking, Weight = 0.7, CanStoreWater = TRUE, DisplayName = Saucepan, ReplaceOnUseOn = WaterSource-WaterSaucepan, Icon = SaucepanEmpty, MetalValue = 30, RainFactor = 0.8, StaticModel = SaucePan, Tooltip = Tooltip_item_RainFromGround, MaxRange = 1, ... } But Brita's does not have this. (I looked for items as much as possible but didn't find anything)

cosmo-naut commented 2 years ago

A little more context, because I've run into this problem before. A lot of the weapons that are colloquially known as Britas, are actually in the Arsenal 26 mod Brita just defines the models for a lot of the weapons that are in that mod

Here is an example, does this fit your format?

module Base {

    item    Carbon15_97 {   

    DisplayName                     =   Carbon-15 Type-97   ,
    Icon                            =   Carbon15_97,    
    WeaponSprite                    =   Carbon15_97,    
    Type                            =   Weapon, 
    SubCategory                     =   Firearm,    
    Ranged                          =   TRUE,   
    IsAimedFirearm                  =   TRUE,   
    WeaponReloadType                =   handgun,    
    FireMode                        =   Auto,   
    FireModePossibilities           =   Single/[3]Burst/Auto,   
    AttachmentType                  =   Holster,    
    UseEndurance                    =   FALSE,  
    /* ============ PERFORMANCE DATA ============= */           
    MinRange                        =   0.61    ,
    MaxRange                        =   23.5    ,
    AimingPerkRangeModifier         =   2.35    ,
    MinDamage                       =   1.9 ,
    MaxDamage                       =   2.5 ,
    CriticalChance                  =   25  ,
    CritDmgMultiplier               =   4,  
    AimingPerkCritModifier          =   10, 
    HitChance                       =   11  ,
    ToHitModifier                   =   1.5,    
    AimingPerkHitChanceModifier     =   10  ,
    MinAngle                        =   0.923   ,
    AimingPerkMinAngleModifier      =   0.005   ,
    ConditionMax                    =   60  ,
    ConditionLowerChanceOneIn       =   55  ,
    MultipleHitConditionAffected    =   FALSE,  
    JamGunChance                    =   0.08    ,
    AimingTime                      =   10  ,
    ReloadTime                      =   27, 
    SwingTime                       =   0.5 ,
    MinimumSwingTime                =   0.5 ,
    SwingAmountBeforeImpact         =   0,  
    RecoilDelay                     =   37  ,
    Weight                          =   1.9 ,
    OAL             =   1.3 ,
    /* ============= AMMUNITION DATA ============= */           
    AmmoType                        =   Base.556Bullets,    
    AmmoBox                         =   556Box, 
    MaxAmmo                         =   30, 
    MagazineType                    =   Base.556Clip,   
    ProjectileCount                 =   1,  
    MaxHitCount                     =   2,  
    PiercingBullets                 =   TRUE,   
    ShareDamage                     =   FALSE,  
    SplatSize                       =   3,  
    SplatNumber                     =   3,  
    SplatBloodOnNoDeath             =   TRUE,   
    PushBackMod                     =   0.3,    
    KnockBackOnNoDeath              =   TRUE,   
    KnockdownMod                    =   3,  
    DoorDamage                      =   12, 
    /* ============ ANIMATION & SOUND ============ */           
    RunAnim                         =   Run_Weapon2,    
    IdleAnim                        =   Idle_Weapon2,   
    SwingAnim                       =   Rifle,  
    MetalValue                      =   45, 
    SoundVolume                     =   60, 
    SoundRadius                     =   60, 
    SoundGain                       =   1,  
    NPCSoundBoost                   =   1.5,    
    BringToBearSound        =   M16BringToBear,
    SwingSound              =   M16Shoot,
    HitSound                    =   BulletHitBody,
    ClickSound              =   M16Jam,
    BreakSound              =   M16Break,
    EquipSound              =   M16Equip,
    UnequipSound            =   M16UnEquip,
    InsertAmmoSound         =   M16InsertAmmo,
    EjectAmmoSound          =   M16EjectAmmo,
    InsertAmmoStartSound        =   M16InsertAmmoStart,
    InsertAmmoStopSound     =   M16InsertAmmoStop,
    EjectAmmoStartSound     =   M16EjectAmmoStart,
    EjectAmmoStopSound      =   M16EjectAmmoStop,
    ShellFallSound          =   M16CartridgeFall,
    RackSound               =   M16Rack,
    Impact                      =   null,
    /* =========== TRANSFORM VARIABLES =========== */           
    DrumMagType =   Base.556Drum,   
    /* =========== ATTACHMENT DATA ============ */          
    ModelWeaponPart = Launcher                  Launcher launcher launcher,
    ModelWeaponPart = Bipod                     Bipod bipod bipod   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = ForeGrip                  ForeGrip foregrip foregrip  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Carrier_12g               Carrier_12g carrier carrier ,
    ModelWeaponPart = AmmoBelt                  AmmoBelt sling sling    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sling                     Sling_1 sling sling ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Light_Small           Light_Small  side  side     ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Light_Large           Light_Large  side  side     ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Laser_Green           Laser_Green  side  side     ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Laser_Red             Laser_Red    side  side     ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Suppressor_Pistol     Suppressor_Pistol suppressor suppressor ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Suppressor_Rifle      Suppressor_Rifle suppressor suppressor  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Suppressor_Oil        Suppressor_Oil suppressor suppressor    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Suppressor_Bottle     Suppressor_Bottle suppressor suppressor ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Suppressor_Shotgun        Suppressor_Shotgun  suppressor suppressor   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Suppressor_BMG        Suppressor_BMG suppressor suppressor    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Bayonet_M4                Bayonet_M4 bayonet bayonet  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Bayonet_AK                Bayonet_AK bayonet bayonet  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Bayonet_M1917         Bayonet_M1917 bayonet bayonet   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = RecoilPad                 RecoilPad pad pad   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = MuzzleBrake           MuzzleBrake suppressor suppressor   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Compensator           MuzzleBrake suppressor suppressor   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = GhostRing                 GhostRing reddot reddot ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_MicroDot        Sight_MicroDot reddot reddot    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_RaceDot         Sight_RaceDot scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_SRS             Sight_SRS reddot reddot ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Aimpoint            Sight_Aimpoint  reddot reddot   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Aimpoint_Dot        Sight_Aimpoint_Dot  reddot reddot   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Fiber_Shotgun       Sight_Fiber_Shotgun scope scope ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Mepro_M21           Sight_Mepro_M21 reddot reddot   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Mepro_MOR           Sight_Mepro_MOR reddot reddot   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_UH1             Sight_UH1 reddot reddot ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_C79         Sight_C79 scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_SUSAT           Sight_SUSAT scope scope ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Raven           Sight_Raven scope scope ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_G28_Scope       Sight_G28_Scope scope scope ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_EOTech              Sight_EOTech reddot reddot  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_3xEOTech        Sight_3xEOTech scope scope  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_4xACOG          Sight_4xACOG scope scope    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_6xELCAN         Sight_6xELCAN scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Scope_1-4x                Scope_1-4x scope scope  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Scope_20x                 Scope_20x scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_KOBRA               Sight_KOBRA scope2 scope2   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Scope_4xPSO               Scope_4xPSO scope2 scope2   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Scope_12xPSO          Scope_12xPSO scope2 scope2  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Thermal         Sight_Thermal scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Thermal_AK          Sight_Thermal_AK scope2 scope2  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_ACRO            Sight_ACRO reddot reddot    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_MRO             Sight_MRO reddot reddot ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_SRO             Sight_SRO reddot reddot ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Nikon           Sight_Nikon reddot reddot   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_M8              Sight_M8 scope scope    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_VX3             Sight_VX3 scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_1P63                Sight_1P63 scope2 scope2    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Brownells           Sight_Brownells scope scope ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_L2              Sight_L2 scope scope    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_LUX             Sight_LUX scope scope   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_Malcom              Sight_Malcom scope scope    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_NO32            Sight_NO32 scope2 scope2    ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_PKAS            Sight_PKAS scope scope  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_PU              Sight_PU scope2 scope2  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_PVS4            Sight_PVS4 scope scope  ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Sight_XPS             Sight_XPS reddot reddot ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Laser_DVAL                Laser_DVAL    side  side        ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Laser_PEQ15               Laser_PEQ15    side  side       ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Grip_Magpul               Grip_Magpul foregrip foregrip   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Grip_MLOK                 Grip_MLOK foregrip foregrip ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Grip_TG                   Grip_TG foregrip foregrip   ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Standard_Mag          Standard_Mag_Type97 mag mag ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Extended_Mag          Extended_Mag mag mag        ,
    ModelWeaponPart = Drum_Mag                  Drum_Mag_556 mag mag        ,

    model Carbon15_97           
        mesh = weapons/firearm/Carbon15_97,     
        texture = weapons/firearm/Carbon15_97,      

        attachment light        
            offset = 0.0000 0.1409 -0.0336, 
            rotate = 0.0000 180.0000 0.0000,    
        attachment side 
            offset = 0.0000 0.1409 -0.0336, 
            rotate = 0.0000 180.0000 0.0000,    
        attachment suppressor       
            offset = 0.0000 0.2198 -0.0318, 
            rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,  
        attachment muzzle       
            offset = 0.0000 0.2782 -0.0318,     
            rotate = -90.0000 0.0000 0.0000,    
        attachment reddot       
            offset = 0.0000 0.0605 -0.0158, 
            rotate = 0.0000 180.0000 0.0000,    
        attachment scope
            offset = 0.0000 0.0605 -0.0158, 
            rotate = 0.0000 180.0000 0.0000,    
        attachment scope2
            offset = 0.0000 0.0191 -0.0167, 
            rotate = 0.0000 180.0000 0.0000,    
        attachment mag      
            offset = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,  
            rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,  
        attachment drum     
            offset = 0.0000 0.0110 -0.0067, 
            rotate = 0.0000 180.0000 0.0000,    

    fixing Fix Carbon15_97          
        Require : Carbon15_97,      
        Fixer : Cleaning=1,     
        Fixer : WD=1,       
cosmo-naut commented 2 years ago

The above file is located in Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2297098490\mods\ARSENAL-26-GunFighter\media\scripts\FIREARMS_WEAPONPACK\AR_PISTOL.txt