IsraelHikingMap / Site

Israel Hiking Map has maps, route planning, and travel information for Israel. This repository holds the files needed for running the Israel Hiking Map site and apps.
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Directional routing - using the search to create a route #213

Closed HarelM closed 7 years ago

HarelM commented 7 years ago

The UX is still not entirely clear but the main idea is below the search bar to add another search bar and both can search for places using the regular search, once found a route will be created between those points according to routing type: hike/bike/4wd/none. Questions: Search today closes when a place is selected, do we want to keep it open? Will the newly created route replace the current editing route? create a new one for each search? Once a route is created will it be editable? same as other routes? How does one share this? will is be possible to share it via URL?

HarelM commented 7 years ago

@zstadler @valleyofdawn - here are initial screenshots that define the UX - please ignore the styling for now, I know I need to work on it: Opening the search will look like today and will act like today, besides the "+" button: image When the user clicks the plus button another input will be visible: image Every time the uses types on an input a dropdown will appear, selecting an item from the dropdown will replace the input box with a text and a "x" sign so the user can remove the selected item (resembles the gmail functionality when sending a mail and adding recipients). Once the user clicks the arrow sign the route is created on the map: image The user will be able to convert the search results much like he is able to do now. Thoughts? I will upload it to the test site probably tonight or tomorrow so you'll be able to play around with it.

HarelM commented 7 years ago

Test site is up and running with the latest code at: Most of the implementation is done, let me know if find any issues. Will be checking-in the code shortly.