Isrothy / neominimap.nvim

Yet another minimap plugin for Neovim
MIT License
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Changed lines show in wrong spot. #136

Closed JoseConseco closed 2 weeks ago

JoseConseco commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug The changed git lines, are not shown in proper place. In red I highlighted where minimap shows it, in green - where changed git lines are.

To Reproduce Not sure, but problem is gone if I disable folding, and reload minimap.

Expected behavior Changed lines should be shown few lines up in minimp

Screenshots image

Please complete the following information:

Additional context I tried to reload minimap but it would not help. Disabling code folding in my buffer helps... But it is not fix..

my setup

    init = function()
      -- The following options are recommended when layout == "float"
      vim.opt.wrap = false
      vim.opt.sidescrolloff = 36 -- Set a large value

      --- Put your configuration here
      ---@type Neominimap.UserConfig
      vim.g.neominimap = {
        auto_enable = true,

        layout = "float",
        float = { z_index = 10 },
        diagnostic = {
          enabled = false,
        git = {
          enabled = true,
          mode = "line",
        search = {
          enabled = true,
          mode = "sign",
        win_filter = function(winid)
          return winid == vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
      -- link NeominimapGitAddLine highlight to DiffAdd
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NeominimapGitAddLine", { link = "DiffAdd" })
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NeominimapGitChangeLine", { link = "DiffChange" })
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NeominimapGitDeleteLine", { link = "DiffDelete" })
Isrothy commented 2 weeks ago

This issue is related to foldings. I'm going to fix this soon.

Isrothy commented 2 weeks ago

Could you checkout #137 and see if it resolves the issue you’ve encountered? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    branch = 'fix-annotation-folding',

    --- Your configurations:
JoseConseco commented 2 weeks ago

Yes it works great now. That was fast. btw. I was thinking - if u could expose option to show minimap only for current buffer / Window. I made it work with

        win_filter = function(winid)
          return winid == vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()

But imo, this would be convenient as option in config. Thanks for the fix.

Isrothy commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for the suggestion! However, I’d like to keep this plugin as simple as possible. The win_filter option exists specifically to give users the flexibility to handle cases like this themselves. I believe that adding this as a built-in option might complicate the configuration unnecessarily.

That said, I think it’s a great idea to document this use case, so I’ll add it to the wiki. Thanks again for your input!