IssamLaradji / CBStyling

Styling individual objects in an image
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How to run the code with video? #5

Open uhnjiny opened 4 years ago

uhnjiny commented 4 years ago

Hi @IssamLaradji ,

I am a student studying computer science and I am trying to run your model. I have some questions.

What's the match between the class and the number in your code? (ex class 13 : car)

I tried to change the style by changing the number after s , but I got the error below. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 43, in main(args.img_fname, args.out_fname,, args.class_id) File "", line 8, in main style_model = ut.create_style_model(style_id) File "/mnt/KJA/CBStyling/", line 88, in create_style_model model_file = glob.glob('styles/*.pth')[style_number] IndexError: list index out of range

Also, I want to run this code with video like you did. how can I do this?

Thanks in advance:)

IssamLaradji commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest.

  1. these are the class ids (obtained from , where class 13 corresponds to car.
labels = [
    #       name                     id    trainId   category            catId     hasInstances   ignoreInEval   color
    Label(  'unlabeled'            ,  0 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , (  0,  0,  0) ),
    Label(  'ego vehicle'          ,  1 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , (  0,  0,  0) ),
    Label(  'rectification border' ,  2 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , (  0,  0,  0) ),
    Label(  'out of roi'           ,  3 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , (  0,  0,  0) ),
    Label(  'static'               ,  4 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , (  0,  0,  0) ),
    Label(  'dynamic'              ,  5 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , (111, 74,  0) ),
    Label(  'ground'               ,  6 ,      255 , 'void'            , 0       , False        , True         , ( 81,  0, 81) ),
    Label(  'road'                 ,  7 ,        0 , 'flat'            , 1       , False        , False        , (128, 64,128) ),
    Label(  'sidewalk'             ,  8 ,        1 , 'flat'            , 1       , False        , False        , (244, 35,232) ),
    Label(  'parking'              ,  9 ,      255 , 'flat'            , 1       , False        , True         , (250,170,160) ),
    Label(  'rail track'           , 10 ,      255 , 'flat'            , 1       , False        , True         , (230,150,140) ),
    Label(  'building'             , 11 ,        2 , 'construction'    , 2       , False        , False        , ( 70, 70, 70) ),
    Label(  'wall'                 , 12 ,        3 , 'construction'    , 2       , False        , False        , (102,102,156) ),
    Label(  'fence'                , 13 ,        4 , 'construction'    , 2       , False        , False        , (190,153,153) ),
    Label(  'guard rail'           , 14 ,      255 , 'construction'    , 2       , False        , True         , (180,165,180) ),
    Label(  'bridge'               , 15 ,      255 , 'construction'    , 2       , False        , True         , (150,100,100) ),
    Label(  'tunnel'               , 16 ,      255 , 'construction'    , 2       , False        , True         , (150,120, 90) ),
    Label(  'pole'                 , 17 ,        5 , 'object'          , 3       , False        , False        , (153,153,153) ),
    Label(  'polegroup'            , 18 ,      255 , 'object'          , 3       , False        , True         , (153,153,153) ),
    Label(  'traffic light'        , 19 ,        6 , 'object'          , 3       , False        , False        , (250,170, 30) ),
    Label(  'traffic sign'         , 20 ,        7 , 'object'          , 3       , False        , False        , (220,220,  0) ),
    Label(  'vegetation'           , 21 ,        8 , 'nature'          , 4       , False        , False        , (107,142, 35) ),
    Label(  'terrain'              , 22 ,        9 , 'nature'          , 4       , False        , False        , (152,251,152) ),
    Label(  'sky'                  , 23 ,       10 , 'sky'             , 5       , False        , False        , ( 70,130,180) ),
    Label(  'person'               , 24 ,       11 , 'human'           , 6       , True         , False        , (220, 20, 60) ),
    Label(  'rider'                , 25 ,       12 , 'human'           , 6       , True         , False        , (255,  0,  0) ),
    Label(  'car'                  , 26 ,       13 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , False        , (  0,  0,142) ),
    Label(  'truck'                , 27 ,       14 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , False        , (  0,  0, 70) ),
    Label(  'bus'                  , 28 ,       15 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , False        , (  0, 60,100) ),
    Label(  'caravan'              , 29 ,      255 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , True         , (  0,  0, 90) ),
    Label(  'trailer'              , 30 ,      255 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , True         , (  0,  0,110) ),
    Label(  'train'                , 31 ,       16 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , False        , (  0, 80,100) ),
    Label(  'motorcycle'           , 32 ,       17 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , False        , (  0,  0,230) ),
    Label(  'bicycle'              , 33 ,       18 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , True         , False        , (119, 11, 32) ),
    Label(  'license plate'        , -1 ,       -1 , 'vehicle'         , 7       , False        , True         , (  0,  0,142) ),
  1. The number of style_id is the number of .pth files in More styles can be downloaded there.

  2. You can run this on a video by applying the model on every frame of that video and combining those frames together using ffmpeg

Hope this helps.