Istador / OJDS-NX

Listens on a modded Switch on port 56709/tcp and responds the current controller state. This is a fork that uses docker to build it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

False positive for Firefox's "Deceptive Site ahead" #1

Open SkyJumper409x opened 2 months ago

SkyJumper409x commented 2 months ago

When following the "For more information on Open Joystick Display: Click Here" link from the OJDS-NX readme, firefox warns me that there is a "deceptive site ahead" Screenshot 2024-04-13 130441

Istador commented 2 months ago

Despite the error message the website seems to be unavailable as well.

Likely they got hacked or something, distributed malware on it to receive the browser warning, and now they are offline. Forever or they are working on cleaning up their systems.

TBH I never used the Open Joystick Display, but I use Gamepad Viewer to display my controller inputs. And for that I wrote node-ojds-nx-vigemclient that accesses the endpoint provided by this Switch homebrew app (that I didn't create) to provide a virtual controller on a PC.