Closed msugamsingh closed 4 years ago
Hi, ¿could you give us information about your test device? ¿Maybe your console information? The output format is .mp4 so is strange media player don't recognise it.
I tried running your example code in a physical Xiaomi (Android 8) device and in emulator (Android 9), but it didn't work. There's no warning or error in console. Also, The size of the .mp4 output file in storage is always less than 10kb. App permissions: Storage and microphone
I checked in different devices and works normally. Can you check the permission section and see if all permissions are enabled?
Are you sure not log appear in the console? We put in all critical places for get more info
I apologize that I did not notice before. I'm getting some errors in console.
D/permissions_handler(20570): No android specific permissions needed for: 9
I/System.out(20570): Scaled Density
I/System.out(20570): 2.0
I/System.out(20570): Original Resolution
I/System.out(20570): 720 x 1344
I/System.out(20570): Calcule Resolution
I/System.out(20570): 685 x 1280
F/SoftVideoEncoderOMXComponent(21104): frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/omx/SoftVideoEncoderOMXComponent.cpp:465 CHECK((width & 1) == 0) failed.
E/MediaRecorder(20570): stop failed: -1007
D/--INIT-RECORDER(20570): stop failed.
I/System.out(20570): stopRecordScreen error
I/System.out(20570): stop failed.
D/TAG (20570): MediaProjection Stopped
I/flutter (20570): Opening video
I/flutter (20570): /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/hello.mp4
Again, I apologize for my mistake.
In my experience when you try to record the screen with a low reoslution like 685 the MediaRecorder doesnt work.
Can you try to modify maxRes in calculeResolution with a higher value?
The function to edit is in flutter_screen_recording/android/src/main/kotlin/com/isvisoft/flutter_screen_recording/FlutterScreenRecordingPlugin.kt
I modified maxRes to 680 and its working now.
However, The quality is low but it will work for me.
Thanks 🙂
The Android library for record screen have some problems with the resolution. Thanks for your feedback
Getting File format isn't supported or files are corrupted. when opening in any media player.