Itai-Nelken / RPi-QEMU-VM-scripts

Scripts that create VM's for your Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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More space on Windows 98 VM. #1

Open SrIzan10 opened 3 years ago

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I love your work with your script but when I installed games it said that I ran out of space. Can you resize the image so it can be 8 gb (or less)? Or can you show me how can I put more space in the virtual hard drive. Thanks!

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

I'll add a tutorial to the readme, but here is how to do it: open terminal and run:

cd ~/win98
qemu-img resize win98.qcow2 20G

you can change 20G with any size you want.

Thats the command if I remember correctly.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll try when finish installing Premiere.

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

@SrIzan10 did it work?

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

The image broke because of a Windows protecion error (I didn't resize it). I'll redownload the tar.gz.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

image Hmmm... I think that the image flooded with unallocated space and the OS doesn't recognize it. I am going to see it via Partlogic ( I'm running this command: qemu-system-x86_64 -hda 8gbwin98copiaseguridadcopiadeguridad.qcow2 -cdrom partlogic.iso -boot d -soundhw sb16 -m 512M

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

image And yes, it was. I'm going to resize it. image Ok, it's good. I'm going to boot up in Windows.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

image And... no. It didn't work. I'll install soundblaster drivers so sound can work. I'll try later.

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

try this: follow the instructions here to mount the qcow2 image, once its mounted open gparted and resize the windows partition to fill all the unalocated space. apply the changes and boot the VM. it should work.

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

also if you manage to get sound, can you send the steps in a new issue so I can add it?

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

If I manage to get sound succesfully, can you credit me on the tutorial?

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

try this: follow the instructions here to mount the qcow2 image, once its mounted open gparted and resize the windows partition to fill all the unalocated space. apply the changes and boot the VM. it should work.

Instructions didn't work. It doesn't show on gparted

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

If I manage to get sound succesfully, can you credit me on the tutorial?

yes, of course!

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

Instructions didn't work. It doesn't show on gparted

I'll try to find a way tomorrow.

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

I'm working on finding a solution.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks for your work @Itai-Nelken !

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

ok, @SrIzan10 I have a idea: 1) resize the virtual HD: qemu-img resize win98.qcow2 20G change 20G with the size you want. 2) Download this puppy linux iso: 3) boot it with this command using the win98 HD:

qemu-system-x86_64 -hda win98.qcow2 -device sb16 -cdrom bionicpup32-8.0-uefi.iso -boot d

4) once puppy linux booted succesfully (hopefully) install gparted and expand the partition of the HD. 5) shut down puppy linux and start the VM normally.

This wasn't tested, but I hope it works.

I picked puppy linux because its very light and I hope will run at aceptable speeds.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

Ok, I’ll try when I go to home. Thank you.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

How can I make the VM run better? I tried -smp 2 but it didn't work. Do I need to make another issue with that?

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

How can I make the VM run better? I tried -smp 2 but it didn't work. Do I need to make another issue with that?

that gives it an extra core. no you can't. its emulation, so the faster your host CPU is the faster the VM is, and the pi isn't that powerful.

did it work?

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

No, it was stuck at Setting up networking... Can you try it?

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

No, it was stuck at Setting up networking... Can you try it?

yes, I'll try it.

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

this isn't working for me unfortunately... I'll have to find a different way...

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

this might work

@SrIzan10 can you try that?

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I'll try tomorrow. Thanks @Itai-Nelken

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago

BTW @SrIzan10 did you get sound working? I tried to use a few of the sound cards QEMU can emulate and after using the default drivers from the win98 CD the system always froze and broke after starting the startup sound.

Itai-Nelken commented 3 years ago What the startup sound was like

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago What the startup sound was like

I was thinking it was a prank of april fools! 😄 Yeah, that sounds like a BSOD.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

BTW @SrIzan10 did you get sound working? I tried to use a few of the sound cards QEMU can emulate and after using the default drivers from the win98 CD the system always froze and broke after starting the startup sound.

It could be something about Pulseaudio. Check Pavucontrol. And, I didn't get sound working, only on Dosbox-X. I'm eating right now, I'll try the new method for the gparted vm when I get home.

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

And I installed nt4 yesterday. I'll make a Pull request when I have time 😅

SrIzan10 commented 3 years ago

And, it was pretty slow. 1 hour later, it didn't even boot up to the gparted screen...