ItalyPaleAle / hereditas

A static site generator for a fully trustless digital legacy box
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Auth0 Rules and Hooks End of Life #51

Open kapcake opened 1 year ago

kapcake commented 1 year ago

Hello, As stated on Auth0‘s blog, Rules and Hooks will arrive at end of life on November 18, 2024. New users will no longer be able to use them starting October 16, 2023.

Are there plans to update the rules and hooks to Actions, or rather push development of #50 to remove the dependency on Auth0 as proposed in #2 ?

Kind regards, Laurent

ItalyPaleAle commented 1 year ago

Looks like #50 is very timely.

Yes, work to enable #50 is in progress. But I’ve also been a bit taken back by the lack of feedback on that issue, which I find concerning.

kapcake commented 1 year ago

Maybe because it is a set-and-forget application and most users don’t regularly check on the repo.

If you want my two cents, I like the two proposed major changes, away from Auth0 to a dedicated vault service, and also away from Node.js to using Go.

Continue with the good work, and if you need help, maybe I can see what I can do.

ItalyPaleAle commented 1 year ago

The thing I'm most concerned with, and that I thought others would as well, was the requirement for the service. Which is either something hosted, or has to be self-hosted.

Thanks! I will start publishing some code once it's in a presentable-enough state.

kapcake commented 1 year ago

I’m always in favor of self-hosting, but in this particular case, I think it’s best to have a hosted service that the user has not to worry about.

I imagine the case that something breaks on my server while I’m unavailable, and the whole Hereditas is unusable and failed its purpose.