Iterable / swift-sdk

Iterable's iOS SDK. Receive and track pushes to Iterable from your iOS app.
MIT License
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SPM Integration #678

Open delannoyk opened 9 months ago

delannoyk commented 9 months ago

Hi Iterable team,

We're in the process of integrating your SDK in our app using SPM and unfortunately, we can't. The reason is that the name of this repository is swift-sdk and one of our other dependencies is also using swift-sdk.

dependency on '' conflicts with dependency on '' which has the same identity 'swift-sdk'

After digging a little bit, I found that I was not the only one having this issue (thread here)

According to official SPM team members:

SwiftPM uses the last path component of URL as the "identity";

I tried using SSH instead of https but it didn't help.