ItsCalebJones / SpaceLaunchNow-Android

A spaceflight tracker for Android - watch SpaceX, NASA, ULA, etc live!
MIT License
94 stars 16 forks source link

Can not install on Android 12 (Pixel 4) #186

Closed jeppsson closed 2 years ago

jeppsson commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I am not able to install the app on Android 12.

Had the app install previously and it would not upgrade. Upgrade failed every time. So I uninstalled and now I can not install.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Google Play
  2. Find Space Launch Now
  3. Click on 'Install'
  4. Wait to see error. See error

Expected behavior App install successfully


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context

10-18 08:43:49.312 18326 18358 I Finsky  : [50] ntp.a(16): Installer::DLP: Downloading compressed for me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (adid: ..split.config.arm64_v8a , isid: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ)
10-18 08:43:49.316 18326 18358 I Finsky  : [50] kvu.e(1): enqueue()
10-18 08:43:49.322 18433  2433 I Finsky:background: [144] krn.d(20): onRemove(request_id=3796, files_to_download=1, group_id=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, display_data[invisible=false, title=Space Launch Now], network_restrictions=4, status=succeeded, bytes_downloaded=10292, retry[count=0, next_retry=n/a])
10-18 08:43:49.325 18326 18358 I Finsky  : [50] nwp.a(17): Installer::IT: Already sent resource request for me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, adid: ..split.config.arm64_v8a, isid: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ
10-18 08:43:49.328 18433  2622 I Finsky:background: [151] krn.c(12): enqueue(request_id=3797, files_to_download=1, context[group_id=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow], display_data[invisible=false, title=Space Launch Now], network_restrictions=4)
10-18 08:43:49.338 18433  2433 I Finsky:background: [144] krs.a(3): Broadcasting <3797:QUEUED with WAITING_FOR_START:0%[0%]>.
10-18 08:43:49.357 18433  2433 I Finsky:background: [144] krs.a(3): Broadcasting <3797:RUNNING:0%[0%]>.
10-18 08:43:49.371 18433  2435 I Finsky:background: [145] kum.e(2): Reading task has started.
10-18 08:43:49.371 18433  2436 I Finsky:background: [146] kum.f(2): Writing task has started.
10-18 08:43:49.372 18433  2435 I Finsky:background: [145] kum.e(19): Open stream from [byteRangeStart=0-byteRangeStop=0]
10-18 08:43:49.375 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nww.b(3): Installer::IT: Sending Resource Request for me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (downloadid: ..split.config.arm64_v8a)
10-18 08:43:49.520 18433  2433 I Finsky:background: [144] krs.a(3): Broadcasting <3797:RUNNING:0%[0%]>.
10-18 08:43:49.525 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] wls.e(6): RM: receive resource status onStart me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow:..split.config.arm64_v8a reason: single_install isis: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ, 2, 192
10-18 08:43:49.533 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nvv.P(18): Installer: Notifying status update. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, status=DOWNLOADING
10-18 08:43:49.537 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.G(2): IQ: Notifying installation update. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, status=DOWNLOADING
10-18 08:43:49.729 18433  2433 I Finsky:background: [144] krs.a(3): Broadcasting <3797:SUCCEEDED>.
10-18 08:43:49.736 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] wls.f(6): RM: receive resource status onSuccess me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow:..split.config.arm64_v8a reason: single_install isis: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ, 3, 200
10-18 08:43:49.743 18326  2462 I Finsky  : [521] DU: Stored data usage stats for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow; completed bytes: 1546206.
10-18 08:43:49.745 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nxk.u(5): Installer::IT: me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow to state 50
10-18 08:43:49.745 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nxk.u(78): Installer::IT: Start postprocessing download for me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow
10-18 08:43:49.746 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nxk.u(101): Installer::IT: Prepare to copy me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (adid: ..split.config.arm64_v8a , isid: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ) from file:///data/user/0/ (expect 6791900 bytes, isCompressed: true)
10-18 08:43:49.746 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] fds.h(21): APK integrity will be verified using [SHA-256] method
10-18 08:43:49.746 18326 18358 I Finsky  : [50] Decompressing me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (..split.config.arm64_v8a) format 1
10-18 08:43:49.753  2285  2285 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0||-56862258|null|10130
10-18 08:43:49.754  2285  2285 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0||-56862258|null|10130
10-18 08:43:49.756  2285  2382 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/
10-18 08:43:49.898 18326 18358 I Finsky  : [50] me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (..split.config.arm64_v8a) (6791900 bytes) copied successfully in 146 ms
10-18 08:43:49.928 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] kvu.g(1): getDownloads()
10-18 08:43:49.928 18326 18661 W Finsky  : [176] Exception while deleting file:///data/user/0/ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL file:///data/user/0/
10-18 08:43:49.928 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] Installer::IT: Removed me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow from ResourceManager for copy success
10-18 08:43:49.929 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nxi.b(6): Installer::IT: Successfully copied APK to update me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (adid: ..split.config.arm64_v8a , isid: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ)
10-18 08:43:49.929 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nxk.u(5): Installer::IT: me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow to state 40
10-18 08:43:49.930 18433  2622 I Finsky:background: [151] krn.f(1): getDownloads()
10-18 08:43:49.938 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] kvu.h(1): remove(3797)
10-18 08:43:49.939 18326 18354 I Finsky  : [46] nwi.accept(3): Installer::IT: starting next download: package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow
10-18 08:43:49.940 18326 18354 I Finsky  : [46] nvu.b(3): Installer: Handling streamingComplete for me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow gid: 0
10-18 08:43:49.941 18433  2622 I Finsky:background: [151] krn.h(1): remove(request_id=3797)
10-18 08:43:49.945 18326 18354 I Finsky  : [46] nxk.y(40): Installer::IT: Begin install of me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (isid: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ)
10-18 08:43:49.948  2285  2285 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0||-56862258|null|10130
10-18 08:43:49.948  2285  2285 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0||-56862258|null|10130
10-18 08:43:49.952 18433  2433 I Finsky:background: [144] krn.d(20): onRemove(request_id=3797, files_to_download=1, group_id=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, display_data[invisible=false, title=Space Launch Now], network_restrictions=4, status=succeeded, bytes_downloaded=1546206, retry[count=0, next_retry=n/a])
10-18 08:43:49.952  2285  2382 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/
10-18 08:43:49.959 18326 18354 I Finsky  : [46] nvv.P(18): Installer: Notifying status update. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, status=INSTALLING
10-18 08:43:49.961 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.G(2): IQ: Notifying installation update. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, status=INSTALLING
10-18 08:43:49.994 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.001 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.007 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.012 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.060  1702  2014 I PackageManager: Integrity check passed for file:///data/app/vmdl2010971173.tmp
10-18 08:43:50.062 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] afnz.c(5): Verification requested, id = 13
10-18 08:43:50.071 18326  2517 I Finsky  : [522] Skipping verification because own installation
10-18 08:43:50.071 18326  2517 I Finsky  : [522] Verify: Skipping anti malware verification due to pre-check failure. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow
10-18 08:43:50.072 18326  2517 I Finsky  : [522] PSIC verification started with installer uid: 10130 package name:, originating uid: -1
10-18 08:43:50.076 18326  2517 I Finsky  : [522] Skipping logging for attempted installation. This is a Play Store installation.
10-18 08:43:50.077 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] VerifyInstallTask.j(1): Verifying id=13, result=1
10-18 08:43:50.080 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] VerifyInstallTask.nk(6): Verification complete: id=13, package_name=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow
10-18 08:43:50.096  1702  2014 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INTERNET in package: me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow at: Binary XML file line #13
10-18 08:43:50.097  1702  2014 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl2010971173.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #62): me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow.ui.main.MainActivity: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that an explicit value for android:exported be defined when intent filters are present
10-18 08:43:50.100  1249 24788 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl2010971173.tmp: No such file or directory
10-18 08:43:50.100  1249 24788 E installd: Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl2010971173.tmp: No such file or directory
10-18 08:43:50.102 18326 18326 E Finsky  : [2] tng.onReceive(15): Error -504 while installing me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl2010971173.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #62): me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow.ui.main.MainActivity: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that an explicit value for android:exported be defined when intent filters are present
10-18 08:43:50.113 18326 18429 W Finsky  : [99] tnk.B(5): Unexpected error abandoning session=2010971173. exception=java.lang.SecurityException: Caller has no access to session 2010971173
10-18 08:43:50.113 18326 18326 W Finsky  : [2] nwz.a(4): Installer::IT: Install failure of me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (isid: ju1r6TNHT6yOvLIWJf7NLQ): -504, Exception: n/a
10-18 08:43:50.115 18326 18326 W Finsky  : [2] nxk.x(1): Installer::IT: Cleanup running installation of me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow (..split.config.arm64_v8a)
10-18 08:43:50.116 18326 18344 I Finsky  : [36] kvu.g(1): getDownloads()
10-18 08:43:50.117 18326 18344 I Finsky  : [36] Installer::IT: Running resource fetching of ..split.config.arm64_v8a canceled.
10-18 08:43:50.117 18433  2622 I Finsky:background: [151] krn.f(1): getDownloads()
10-18 08:43:50.117 18326 18661 W Finsky  : [176] Exception while deleting file:///data/user/0/ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL file:///data/user/0/
10-18 08:43:50.118 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nvv.W(1): Installer: stopping tracking of task: me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow
10-18 08:43:50.121 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nvv.P(18): Installer: Notifying status update. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, status=INSTALL_ERROR
10-18 08:43:50.124 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] nvv.O(7): Installer: found apps to install. isMultiUserMode=false, apps=[]
10-18 08:43:50.127 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.G(2): IQ: Notifying installation update. package=me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, status=INSTALL_ERROR
10-18 08:43:50.132 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.E(6): IQ: Pruning inactive install requests
10-18 08:43:50.135 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.E(37): IQ: 0 pending for job: 1649
10-18 08:43:50.135 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.E(38): IQ: Finishing job 1649
10-18 08:43:50.136 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] wwu.s(4): SCH: jobFinished: 3-1649. TimeElapsed: 5591ms.
10-18 08:43:50.140 18326  2368 I Finsky  : [508] oji.E(45): IQ: No matching installs to run for jobs: [1649]
10-18 08:43:50.190 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.197 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.199 18326 18354 I Finsky  : [46] gto.b(3): AU2: Failure History successfully updated for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow, attempting to upgrade to version 1040011 with install reason SINGLE_INSTALL and status_code -504
10-18 08:43:50.202 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
10-18 08:43:50.209 18326 18326 I Finsky  : [2] ixs.d(7): Selecting account [1D4AyLDX5fNzCv0xYjo_BlJuYKKC0PI1Ep4JqUX2Tb4] for package me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow. overriding=[true]
jeppsson commented 2 years ago

I am thinking this might be the problem:

10-18 08:43:50.102 18326 18326 E Finsky  : [2] tng.onReceive(15): Error -504 while installing me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl2010971173.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #62): me.calebjones.spacelaunchnow.ui.main.MainActivity: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that an explicit value for android:exported be defined when intent filters are present
ItsCalebJones commented 2 years ago

That looks right - luckily I should be able to get a fix out rather quickly. Thanks for nailing it down.

ItsCalebJones commented 2 years ago

Rolling out to alpha now, once it passes ill push to prod.

jeppsson commented 2 years ago

Could successfully install 3.10.1-b127. Thanks for quick fix. And thanks for a great app!