ItsDeidara / MegaNTR

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No folder named plugin #39

Closed SnowWraith200 closed 2 years ago

SnowWraith200 commented 4 years ago

I tired to get a plugin for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate but my micro SD doesn't have a floder named plugin.

FantashiS commented 4 years ago

You have to create a new folder call "plugin" yourself.

SnowWraith200 commented 4 years ago

thanks for that i got it all set up i thinks. do you know where i have to go for the menu to activate the cheats?

FantashiS commented 4 years ago

do you have bootntr selector installed? If you don't, follow the instructions online to install it. Then you can press X+Y in game to pop up the menu to use the code. However, some code have to use specific button combinations to activate, you will find it by reading the description of the code which you want to use.

SnowWraith200 commented 4 years ago

Sorry just wanted to make sure. I have boot NTR installed and when I open it, it gives me a choice: 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 Do you know witch one I should use if so it would help allot Because I pressed X+Y but nothing happened except pulling out my weapon. Please help

SnowWraith200 commented 4 years ago

okay i thinks something changed because the bottom screen turns white with small black writing when i press X+Y. When i press A on process Manager it just gives me a bunch of 8 digit codes and as far as i can tell none of them does anything. It just says : "Dump" and "info" but noting happens no matter what i do I've pressed every possible button combo i could think of but nothing works.