Open PiKeyAr opened 6 years ago
Easiest solution here will probably be to port over their original AnimData table values and double check some of their actions as well. I'll take a look at them sometime soon. This will be good for another side project I have planned.
They use a table of values per each animation along with a play speed. I have no idea why they would be playing at higher speeds, but I've seen similar issues with the top speed run playing very slowly. There might be a way to fix it, but I don't know it off the top of my head.
Fair play - thanks for clarifying. I think it's an issue in the original game rather than a DX-specific issue, anyway (though can't double-check due to my Dreamcast's disc motor being busted).
In a similar vein:
That's because his tails are animated independently. I'm sure there's some way to make them pause, but I'm not sure if it's something I'd look into directly fixing. Mainly due to it being part of the morph handling which I'm still not 100% sure how it works.
I'm not sure how many characters have a "throw while holding something in midair" animation, it's hard to tell. Either way, here's some more points about animations.
I'm not sure if this still happens in the PC version but I've noticed that when certain characters get hurt (Knuckles/Amy) they loop the hurt animation before landing, whereas Sonic stays on the last frame and flows better into the animation he does when he hits the ground.
Amy's dress has a habit of flying up in certain animations (Shaking a tree, walking etc.). It doesn't happen in the AutoDemo and looks pretty weird, the only reason I can think of it happening for other than being a bug is it sort of helps against clipping after she lands from a jump, but that still happens when she starts running again anyway.
In the original Japanese version the characters are animated while holding objects. It looks pretty stupid, but it could always be an optional feature or something. Maybe there's room for those (mostly, the trampolines use a variant) unused landing animations as well, as long as they don't override the walking animation like they do in the AutoDemo. I mean, Tails, Knuckles and Amy cycle through the same animation IDs as Sonic after landing but it doesn't look much different because they're just faster clones of the standing animation.
Have spotted a couple of animation issues in cutscenes rather than gameplay, both from Sonic's story. I know the cutscenes are a little janky in general, but these two examples really stood out to me as errors rather than just side effects of the slightly crude nature of how the cutscenes are handled:
I don't know about the Egg Hornet cutscene, but it seems pretty obvious to me that the running animation after Sky Chase 1, along with the high-pitched noise accompanying it is a throwback to classic Sonic games. I think even in Generations Classic Sonic often uses his walking animation when falling. That particular cutscene never seemed odd to me, I think it's just intentionally comical.
When I created this issue what I had in mind was problems coming from purely technical errors, like wrong animation speed or animations that are obviously incorrect (Tails' bubble grab). The changes you're suggesting have little to do with those things, they are closer to design changes that would require modifying the programming of the cutscenes. Up to ItsEasyActually of course, but I'd say that's quite out of scope for this mod.
Fair point - can appreciate that those aren't technical errors as such, so no worries if that sort of change isn't considered in-scope for this mod. Will keep my eyes peeled for any further animation errors which occur during normal gameplay.
OK, think I've found another legitimate technical issue here:
My Dreamcast's busted so can't double-check, but looking at videos this bug may have also occurred in the original game.
This isn't an issue with this mod, but since it concerns character models I thought you might be interested. There are several character animation problems in the game, here are some of them: