ItsJonQ / g2

✨ An experimental reimagining of WordPress components
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Export components to Figma #16

Open shaunandrews opened 4 years ago

shaunandrews commented 4 years ago

I'd love a non-manual way of keeping our Figma library(ies) up to date with our code — the code should be the source of truth — to make it easier to toy with ideas in a non-code environment.

Google shows a handful of others trying to do the same, including this:

ItsJonQ commented 4 years ago


I checked out the library. At a glance, it looks like it uses React to create Figma shapes, rather than outputting React components.

To expand upon that, I mean,.. you would use <Rectangle /> to create a rectangle in Figma. But it doesn't look like you can render something like Button from @wordpress/components in Figma.

(I may be wrong)

Taking a step back... I think the ultimate goal is to have a (two-way) relationship like this:

Code <-> Design

Rather than...

Design -> Code


Code -> Design

That way, Design and Code can influence each other (rather than dictate).

From my experience + research, it seems like the most effective and reliable (albeit manual) way is for individuals/teams to work very closely together in a cross-disciplinary way. With the understanding that components and systems are first-class priorities rather than a means to an end.

Somewhat related... I've started seeing some places do this. Where they'll embed the Figma component showcase within their documentation:

This is to help encourage synchronization between the moving parts.