I thought a cool addition to the plugin would be to add chat formatting. This would allow additional users of this plugin to ogle an additional plugin for this formatting :D
In the future, an extension to LuckPermsAPI or Vault could be added.
I have added the ability to write messages by formatting using deluxehub.chat.color permissions, and to format the chat by group, which can be set in your own custom way. When assigning such a group for a player, use deluxehub.chat.group. permissions.
I thought a cool addition to the plugin would be to add chat formatting. This would allow additional users of this plugin to ogle an additional plugin for this formatting :D
In the future, an extension to LuckPermsAPI or Vault could be added.
I have added the ability to write messages by formatting using deluxehub.chat.color permissions, and to format the chat by group, which can be set in your own custom way. When assigning such a group for a player, use deluxehub.chat.group. permissions.