ItsLewizzz / DeluxeHub

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Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection.getKeys(boolean)" because the return value of "org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration.getConfigurationSection(String)" is null #76

Open xqwtxon opened 1 year ago

xqwtxon commented 1 year ago

Enabling announcement.enabled into true crashes and plugin disable it self.


  1. Type true on announcement.enabled section of config.
  2. The server will crash
  3. The plugin will be disabled it self.



ItsLewizzz commented 1 year ago

This doesn't seem right, can you send your config.yml over? You've probably removed the announcements section without closing the configuration section properly and is not related to the enabled option.

xqwtxon commented 1 year ago

I will upload later... I am on the class...

xqwtxon commented 1 year ago

xqwtxon commented 1 year ago

try to use config and just type true then plugin crash itself.