ItsSim / fsolauncher

Official FreeSO Launcher made with Electron
Mozilla Public License 2.0
13 stars 9 forks source link

[Windows] Branching strategy for Electron >= 23 #72

Closed ItsSim closed 3 months ago

ItsSim commented 4 months ago

Electron 23 drops support for Windows < 10. Since FreeSO still supports those OSes, upgrading Electron is not an option currently.

Possible solution is to create a 'legacy' branch that uses Electron 22, and generates a build for the latest Electron version on the 22.x branch. main and develop branches would then transition to use Electron >= 23. With this approach, the GitHub Action workflows would need to be tweaked.

ItsSim commented 3 months ago

Planned strategy: Launcher version <= 1.10.4 is Electron 22.3.27 and compatible with Win < 10 (and Win >= 10) Launcher version >= 1.11.0 is Electron 29.x and beyond, compatible with Win >= 10

No legacy branch will be maintained, and those on Win < 10 will simply stay on 1.10.4, ~with a notice appearing in the about page if their OS is Win < 10~ the update check endpoint will not return a new version for Win < 10

ItsSim commented 3 months ago

The launcher is now on Electron 29.x and has dropped support for Win < 10 and macOS < 10.15 (Catalina)