ItsTender / CarSLN

CarSLN is a Selling, Lending, Negotiating App for Cars of all Sorts
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New Suggested Fragments #7

Closed ItsTender closed 3 months ago

ItsTender commented 4 months ago

Help Fragment ✅️; a New Fragment Found in the Profile that guides the user in managing his account and using the App (CarSLN) in the Right Manner as i intended while programming everything.

Contact Us Fragment ✅️; a New Fragment Found in the Profile that lets the User Contact me (the Dev behind the App) for further info about the app or a report of some sort.

Edit Post Fragment ✅️; a New Fragment designed to help sellers fix previous mistakes done while posting a car listing and to give sellers freedom over their listings which they made!

ItsTender commented 4 months ago

Will Work On the Help Fragment Once every New Feature is done and dusted 🗿

ItsTender commented 4 months ago

Contact Us Fragment Has Been Added! Might do an Edit Post Fragment Next..............

ItsTender commented 4 months ago

The Edit Post Fragment has Been Added......... it might be the biggest one by far in terms of functions and total used lines, actaully nuts that i made it completely in less than 4 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Job.

ItsTender commented 4 months ago

Fixed Crashes in the Edit Post Fragment in the Commit pushed 10 minutes ago

ItsTender commented 3 months ago

Help Fragment will have two sides (Submit a Report with a Spinner about the Reasoning and Sender Email and Description, Secondly it will have a page about the guidelines and description of the app.........)

ItsTender commented 3 months ago

Help fragment is DONE, submit a Report is found in the Contact Us tab tho.......

ItsTender commented 3 months ago

this is the last issue that i will adress new fragments in, from now on i will start working on enhancing the current state of the App and listening to suggestions that will benefit the swiftness and the smoothness (getting rid of bugs and crashes........)