ItzLevvie / MicrosoftTeams-msinternal

This project was created from PowerShell which allows people to download the latest internal build of Microsoft Teams.
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macOS: WHERE are the login accounts / UPNs cached? #36

Open luckman212 opened 1 year ago

luckman212 commented 1 year ago

I spent a couple of hours trying to figure this out and eventually gave up.

When I launch (currently using beta on macOS 13.3.1) I am greeted with a login/auth popup containing 7 accounts. I only currently use 2 of them. The others are related to test accounts that I used at some point in the distant past.

How can I clear this cache or remove these accounts from the chooser? I've traced every file that Teams seems to touch from launch leading up to that window appearing using eslogger. I also traced the HTTP traffic with Proxyman. I still can't figure out where in God's name this data is coming from.

Please help!

luckman212 commented 1 year ago

Nobody knows?

luckman212 commented 1 year ago

Since it was quiet in here (too quiet) I asked over on Ask Different and got an answer!

Apparently these are stored in the macOS Keychain. I came up with this one-liner that successfully cleared them out for me on the few systems I tested it on:

for svce in AdalCache OneAuthAccount; do security delete-generic-password -s $svce; done

Can't believe after so many hours (days) hunting this one down, it turned out to be such a simple answer. But, happy to have it solved.

bmike commented 1 year ago

That one liner is superb @luckman212 - I am going to make a script so we can automate clearing these on shared computers via MDM and other triggers...

joeyfrijters commented 1 year ago also has Reset scripts for Teams. They are built by a Microsoft engineer.

luckman212 commented 12 months ago

Looks like it's back to the drawing board for the new Teams V2. The one-liner above no longer does the trick. Seems the cached credentials are hiding somewhere else now. Thanks for another wild goose chase Microsoft. Can you please document this somewhere??