Ivan-E-Johnson / AML_Project_Supervised

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Other Metrics to Collect and fix the image view #16

Open Ivan-E-Johnson opened 3 months ago

Ivan-E-Johnson commented 3 months ago

Implement a custom loss function that is a weighted combination of metrics. something like loss = .8 diceCE + .1 hassdorfs + .1 other





Ivan-E-Johnson commented 3 months ago

Something like this

class CustomLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weights):
        super(CustomLoss, self).__init__()
        self.weights = weights
        # Initialize other necessary components here

    def forward(self, outputs, targets):
        # Calculate each metric
        dice_loss = DiceLoss(...)
        hausdorff_distance = HausdorffDistanceMetric(...)
        # Combine them with weights
        total_loss = self.weights['dice'] * dice_loss + self.weights['hausdorff'] * hausdorff_distance
        return total_loss