IvanAndMen / SomeCoolRepo

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How to decrypt with ABC-CBC mode in Kali? #1

Open IvanAndMen opened 6 years ago

IvanAndMen commented 6 years ago

As others have said, AES is a symmetric algorithm (private-key cryptography). This involves a single key which is a shared secret between the sender and recipient. An analogy is a locked mailbox without a mail slot. Anybody who wants to leave or read a message needs to have a key to the mailbox.

If you really want to know the gory details of AES, there's a superb cartoon to guide you along the way.

Public-key cryptography involves two related keys for each recipient involved - a private key which is a secret known only by the recipient, and a related public key which is known by all senders.

The sender encrypts the message using the recipient's public key. That message can only be decrypted by a recipient with a private key matching the public key.

An analogy for public-key encryption is a locked mailbox with a mail slot. The mail slot is exposed and accessible to the public. Its location (the street address) is the public key. Anyone knowing the street address can go to the door and drop a written message through the slot. But only the person who possesses the private key can open the mailbox and read the message.

A public key is linked to a private key. The public key (RSA) is distributed to the 'wild' and anyone who wants to send an encrypted file (generically speaking here), they will request the public key and encode against it. The cypertext is unreadable to anyone who gains access to the file, even if they have the public key.

The private key is needed to decode the file. As long as the private key is kept private, it is statically improbable that anyone will guess or hack the the key. Improbable, not impossible.

The real issue is keeping the private key private. Most cracks are done with social hacking. Extortion, loggers and monkey-in-the-middle public key conversion are other ways more probable than brute forcing the password or key.

In your comment to Brawndo you asked

what's the point of having a public and private key then if both can decrypt others? Why not both have the same key?

What you are describing is Symmetric-key algorithms, which AES is one. The reason for public-private keys are that with Symmetric-key algorithms how do you pass a Symmetric key over unsecured networks, mail, phone or what not without the key being intercepted. Perhaps encrypting the key, but then how do you pass that key? With a public-private key combo, that becomes LESS relevant.

"In most cases, there's a greater probability that the sun will burn out before all the computers in the world could factor in all of the information needed to brute force a 256-bit key," said Jon Hansen, vice president of marketing for AccessData Corp, the Lindon, Utah, company that built the software that powers DNA.

Pàgines d’interès: https://rietta.com/blog/2012/01/27/openssl-generating-rsa-key-from-command/

Conectar-te al server si no et deixa amb ssh, fer-ho amb netcat: netcat 9090

Crear una clau privada i extreure la publica: openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048 openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

Enviem la public.pem netcat 9090 < public.pem

Rebem dos missatges, el segon es la flag: MSG_1: SK+R1mpIDGLVdRSzPAqf71gLMsjwYGviFZMbzFuPTG/KIj6Oc31U9HU9Fg+WnX0huB9LCicpqO7PUIEZnxlf68Cqvg609HixU9/a8jKMfnN4HVU/ctXkhxgM3mGcJtc4NciQ5GrAqs12GSUPhtfgt/As+JZBzEn5RO35Nxz4JZtHR7gvUfURONvBTP7xP8sr9LCG0imReAbwewy9vkpkaO5vta7WFJDA8s5I0sJdwYMkSrFogQkwqjgtsyb5AgIXoNG1J64tsFbwlmah6yrWZYlkqnREqMf0Qh+Iwe2siORUclho0656mG1FNw6S6uk6qxz02OTMhmkGyaLPa8/VJw==

MSG_2: U2FsdGVkX1/aqyLVDndI1Q7ecYMfIPSEmeqRVe39Mar1loatmeFw2H1JCMz+q+J7 9iSDrPna05U8Zkf7MN2WPA==

Cal posar-ho en un arxiu .enc (message1base64.enc) i passar-lo a binari amb: base64 -d message1base64.enc > message1.enc

Desencriptem el message1.enc, ens demanarà la private key que hem posat abans: openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.pem -in message1.enc -out message_decrypted.txt


Desencriptem aes-256-cbc amb la clau del primer missatge: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in message256.enc -out file.txt

“Finally! The pizza was getting cold…”

IvanAndMen commented 6 years ago

Pasar clave simetrica de hex a texto, obtenemos lo siguiente...

salt--> uYg4E hashed--> 58d30b20d1a8c91d7636c656fc8edb80a7e30f44

Ejecutar codigo Python para probar todas posibilidades del diccionario con el salt obtenido... si el hash se corresponde, hemos encontrado la key. El codigo se puede modificar si la salt va antes o despues.

La key es cookie

Se encripta el mensaje con base64 haciendo... Esto es opcional, ninios!

base64 -d message.enc > mes.enc

Desencriptamos mensaje con...

openssl aes-256-cbc -d -S uYg4E -k cookie -a -in message.enc -out decryp_mess.txt

IvanAndMen commented 6 years ago

Primer de tot detectem l’error en TOTS els fitxers. Aquest és sistemàtic i canvia un byte de cada 23 → Pista: BLESS editor.

Passwd: iwillbetheboss

NewFactor: → Google authenticator QR code https://www.google.com/chart?chs=200x200&chld=M|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/sshadmin@2cc68db17318%3Fsecret%3DSWVHXMSZO4F6UNJ2 → SSH User: sshadmin

NewShadow: → SSH user + hash sshadmin:$6$2U/291NH$bukqrRUqjDnrIColrk2srpj/O1Be2Aua4zLI.McUHGcn5buArxFiyVytvn8qfE/efaAHME4DuiUukV902sHre1:17665:0:99999:7:::

HASH - hash.txt: $6$2U/291NH$bukqrRUqjDnrIColrk2srpj/O1Be2Aua4zLI.McUHGcn5buArxFiyVytvn8qfE/efaAHME4DuiUukV902sHre1

Per saber quina encriptació: hashcat --help | grep \$6 → 1800 | sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix) | Operating Systems

HASHCAT COMMAND: sudo hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 -o found.txt --force hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt (--show) → PASSWORD: spongebob

Accedim a: ssh sshadmin@ -p 9091 Pass: spongebob verification code: Code del QR… →Ej: 044 470

ls → find FLAG here. (cat flag.txt)

“Not bad at all :D”

IvanAndMen commented 6 years ago

Primera bandera: Obrim l’arxiu binari ctf4 amb un editor de text i busquem la cadena, es veu fàcilment la cadena: (esta separada per lletres i punts)

“Flag 1: Obfuscate strings is good”

Segona bandera: Obrir l’arxiu ctf4 amb objdump → objdump ctf4 -d Mirar funció 2, valors hexadecimals de les variables movb i transformar hex to ascii:

“Flag 2: overflow”

Tercera bandera: Dins l’arxiu obert amb objdump podem veure que: La cadena “fillme” comença a la direcció de memòria -0x2010 La instrucció “callq” utilitza printf La instrucció ”lea” guarda a memoria des de la direcció -0x2010 fins 0x3010 Si convertim aquestes 1000 posicions en hexadecimal a decimal sabem que el buffer te 4096 posicions. Finalment crearem un arxiu exploit després de executar la funcio3 de l’arxiu

python -c ’print "a"*4096+"i-want-the-flag" ’ > exploit

Després d’executar sel·leccionant la funció 3 i introduint l’exploit… apareixerà un arxiu que contindrà la bandera: “Flag 3: root”.

IvanAndMen commented 6 years ago

Primer obrim la captura de wireshark. Veure’m la conversa entre servidor i usuari. Seleccionem el paquet GET (HTTP). Fem botó dret → Follow → TCP Stream. Escollim la direcció del servidor al host: → Show save data as… Raw. I ho guardem com data.raw

Ja podem tancar Wireshark. Ara fem:

foremost -v -i data.raw

i ens crearà una carpeta on trobarem la imatge (flag)