IvanGlinkin / CCTV

Close-Circuit Telegram Vision revolutionizes location tracking with its open-source design and Telegram API integration. Offering precise tracking within 50-100 meters, users can monitor others in real-time for logistics or safety, redefining how we navigate our surroundings
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.37k stars 327 forks source link

git clone https://github.com/IvanGlinkin/CCTV.git cd CCTV pip install -r requirements.txt #40

Open Redy5five opened 4 months ago

Redy5five commented 4 months ago

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usage: start.py [-h] [-lat LATITUDE] [-long LONGITUDE] [-m METERS] [-t TIMESLEEP] [-s SPEED_KMH] [-tn TELEGRAM_NAME] [-ti TELEGRAM_API_ID] [-th TELEGRAM_API_HASH]

Custom settings for script launch

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -lat LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE Latitude setting -long LONGITUDE, --longitude LONGITUDE Longitude setting -m METERS, --meters METERS Meters setting -t TIMESLEEP, --timesleep TIMESLEEP Timesleep setting -s SPEED_KMH, --speed_kmh SPEED_KMH Speed setting -tn TELEGRAM_NAME, --telegram_name TELEGRAM_NAME Telegram session name -ti TELEGRAM_API_ID, --telegram_api_id TELEGRAM_API_ID Telegram API ID -th TELEGRAM_API_HASH, --telegram_api_hash TELEGRAM_API_HASH Telegram API hash

IvanGlinkin commented 4 months ago

Hi there, What seems to be the problem?

Akezhanchik14 commented 4 months ago

почему у меня не работает через терминал гитхаб? я все в точности копирую и вставляю ничего нет (

paracosm17 commented 4 months ago

почему у меня не работает через терминал гитхаб? я все в точности копирую и вставляю ничего нет (

Что такое терминал гитхаб? И скинь скрины ошибок