Have you ever faced with the lack of possibility of using NMap? For instance if you have reverse shell as an unprivileged user and there are no useful tools preinstalled? This is a small script which will help you to scan a network for live hosts and top 24 ports if you have nothing.
hi, not working under macos, zsh.
Sudo not helping
./host-enum.sh: line 10: ip: command not found
./host-enum.sh: line 11: ip: command not found
./host-enum.sh: line 12: ip: command not found
./host-enum.sh: line 13: ip: command not found
hi, not working under macos, zsh. Sudo not helping
./host-enum.sh: line 10: ip: command not found ./host-enum.sh: line 11: ip: command not found ./host-enum.sh: line 12: ip: command not found ./host-enum.sh: line 13: ip: command not found
\e[00;33m╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\e[00m \e[00;33m║ ║\e[00m \e[00;33m║\e[00m\e[01;32m Simple Host Enumeration \e[00m\e[00;33m║\e[00m \e[00;33m║ ║\e[00m \e[00;33m╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\e[00m
\e[00;33m[ ! ] https://www.linkedin.com/in/IvanGlinkin/ | @IvanGlinkin\e[00m
\e[00;33m[\e[00m \e[01;31m+\e[00m \e[00;33m] This host doesn't have any established connections\e[00m