IvanIsCoding / ResuLLMe

Enhance your résumé with Large Language Models
MIT License
263 stars 76 forks source link

new_feature #14

Closed albinjosep closed 1 year ago

albinjosep commented 1 year ago
  1. Page Configuration: The st.set_page_config() function is used to set the page title, favicon, layout, and initial sidebar state.

  2. Error Handling: Error handling has been added to catch and display errors that may occur during resume generation. If an error occurs, an error message is displayed to the user.

  3. Input Validation: Input validation is performed to ensure that the uploaded file is of a supported format (pdf, docx, txt, json), and the section ordering inputs are validated to prevent unexpected values.

  4. Improved OpenAI API Key Handling: The OpenAI API key is first checked if it's set as an environment variable. If not, the user is prompted to enter the API key. This provides flexibility in how the API key is obtained.

  5. Wide Layout: The layout="wide" option is set in the st.set_page_config() function to provide a wider layout for better visibility and usability.

  6. Information and Success Messages: Information and success messages are displayed to guide the user. For example, when no file is uploaded, an info message is displayed, and when the resume is successfully generated, a success message is displayed.