IvanLisRus / Telegram-Client_TDLib

LabVIEW Implementation Telegram Client with TDLib (JSON)
MIT License
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Error at Client Send and Cleint Receive with WIN64 #1

Open Maddest opened 2 years ago

Maddest commented 2 years ago

Hi Ivan, thanks for your great LabVIEW Telegram API. Your example VI runs perfectly on my PC with LabVIEW 32bit. However, running on my with LabVIEW 64bit returns the following error after calling Client Send or Client Receive:

Error 1097 occurred at Call Library Function Node in Telegram Library.lvlib:Telegram Class.lvclass:Client Send.vi->Telegram-Example.vi Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Function Node. The exception might have corrupted the LabVIEW memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.

I'm sure it loads the correct 64bit DLL. I've changed the setting inside the Call Library Function, but no success.

My API keys are correct, because they work on the 32bit machine. Client execute works fine, but the first Client Send returns this error, when getting the AuthorizationState.

Do you know what I do wrong or is there any setting I have to change? Any help is much appreciated.

All the best, Bernd

IvanLisRus commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I haven't tested 64bit LabVIEW versions. I rebuilt the library, try updating the library files from the folder ...\DLL\win64 from 2022-11-21 https://github.com/IvanLisRus/Telegram-Client_TDLib/tree/main/Project_lv2015/DLL/win64%20from%202022-11-21

Well, or as a solution to the problem, it is to build the library yourself according to the instructions: https://github.com/tdlib/td (https://tdlib.github.io/td/build.html)

Unsubscribe pazhailusta about the results. Sincerely, Ivan

Maddest commented 2 years ago

Hi Ivan, thanks a lot for your quick help on this. I've tried your newly compiled DLL, but it didn't work. I've compiled it by myself and it didn't work either. Yesterday found out that the Library Call functions and some other things need to be modfied:

After these modifications your code runs without any Call Library Function errors.

Unfortunately now I get an error from TDLIB that my API_ID is not valid. Thats a bit weird, because I don't get this error when using 32 bit version. I even copied the setTdLibParameters JSON input string from 32bit and tried it on 64 bit, but get still the same error. I'm still working on this problem and will let you know when I have the solution.

Thanks, Bernd