IvanMathy / Boop

A scriptable scratchpad for developers. In slow yet steady progress.
MIT License
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it seems that someone ripped off your code #239

Closed tessus closed 3 years ago

tessus commented 3 years ago

looks suspiciously familiar: https://devutils.app/

chrstfer commented 3 years ago

Not just suspiciously familiar, even some of the FAQ is basically the same. That being said, I'm pretty sure this is explicitly allowed by the MIT license. Unfortunate and scummy of the other dev who is selling "their" version for 25$, but not illegal. This is one reason to use GPL!

edit: looking into it further, it seems like devutils.app is actively developed right now. Version 1.0.0 seems to correspond to one of the latest boop releases (just based on the release dates). Is it possible that the author of boop just took it private and began selling it?

tessus commented 3 years ago

This is true, but the MIT license requires the preservation of copyright and license notices.

chrstfer commented 3 years ago

True, and agreed. I tweeted at the account associated with the ripoff, will report back if it gets back to me.

Edit: according to DevUtils-app author @trungdq88, there isn't a line of boop code in DevUtils. I'm inclined to take them at their word until proven otherwise, especially considering that UI/UX design tends to be fairly standardized (especially on Apple platforms) so its not impossible (or even all that unlikely) that two creators came up with a similar idea and implemented it in a way that seems similar upon first glance.

There is a delayed source repo for DevUtils here as well, though it doesn't specify how delayed anywhere that i can see. I didn't see a single link to it anywhere on the DevUtils site though.

I've invited the author to chime in here to further set the record straight, so hopefully we'll hear what they've got to say here soon.

trungdq88 commented 3 years ago

Hi all, author of DevUtils here. I'm happy to answer any questions.

I built DevUtils from the start of the COVID pandemic without any knowledge of Boop. You can see the list of open-source projects used in DevUtils here https://devutils.app/acknowledgments/.

The idea of DevUtils and Boop is not at all unique or new, if you like offline developer utilities, I also suggest taking a look at CyberChef (also open-source).

That said, what I really like about Boop is the plug-in system. I plan to introduce custom scripts to DevUtils soon, somewhat like Boop, but more focused on the UX/UI instead of sole text input/output.

If I use any of Boop's code in the future (or even reuse the plugin protocol), I'll make sure Boop is credit properly.

Let me know if there are any questions, I'm happy to address. Cheers!

trungdq88 commented 3 years ago

There is a delayed source repo for DevUtils here as well, though it doesn't specify how delayed anywhere that i can see. I didn't see a single link to it anywhere on the DevUtils site though.

The link to GitHub is visible all the time under the footer of https://devutils.app, and also in https://devutils.app/contact/

The DevUtils source code is currently delayed by 2 versions. Although that may change in the future, either longer or shorter.

chrstfer commented 3 years ago

I dont know how I missed the link in your footer, i guess I was way more tired than i realized when i was looking through the DevUtils site. My apologies @trungdq88.

Unless @tessus or anyone else has any further objections/questions, i move that we close the issue as resolved.

tessus commented 3 years ago

Yes. This is fine with me. When I opened the issue, I didn't even see that the code was on github. I just came scross that web site and I thought: hey, I know this from somewhere.