IvanMathy / Boop

A scriptable scratchpad for developers. In slow yet steady progress.
MIT License
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Work with Tabs #345

Open punk-enciel opened 2 years ago

punk-enciel commented 2 years ago

hi :) I'd like to work with more than one document in a row - so it might be helpful to work with tabs to open documents or even other windows of new documents :)

MisterMunchkin commented 2 years ago

Hi @IvanMathy, if you're alright with this can I try it out?

I want to contribute and learn macos for swift while doing it :) Was thinking of adding a ToolbarView to Boop following this doc: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/touch_bar/integrating_a_toolbar_and_touch_bar_into_your_app

therajumandapati commented 1 year ago

@MisterMunchkin Fully support this idea. I am no Swift developer. But any pointers would be helpful.