IvanMurzak / Unity-ImageLoader

Asynchronous image loading from remote or local destination. It has two layers of configurable cache system: RAM and Disk.
MIT License
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can you add a feature ? #4

Open Bian-Sh opened 1 year ago

Bian-Sh commented 1 year ago

could you pls add a feature for auto overwrite cached image by check response-header :If-Modified-Since . chat with me if you dont understand wht i say.

reference : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/If-Modified-Since

IvanMurzak commented 1 year ago

It makes sense, need to investigate how better to make it. Current problem which I see that is DownloadHandlerTexture is not able to handle that, there is literally no API by Unity. Looks like to implement this feature need to download a raw image in another way and then create Texture2D from the bytes array.

IvanMurzak commented 1 year ago

Another problem that could be resolved separately is the delay in loading already cached images. But that is a solution to add an optional argument at the loading function, that will allow a user to choose the loading option (with/without verification)

Bian-Sh commented 1 year ago

UnityWebRequest has a Head Function which can set head request , the add header "Last-Modified" to get modified date. for example

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class LastModified : MonoBehaviour
    public string url = "https://example.com"; 

    IEnumerator Start()
        using (UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Head(url))
            yield return request.SendWebRequest();

            if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
                string lastModified = request.GetResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
                Debug.Log("Last-Modified: " + lastModified);

I have no idea if this could make scene, i ask newbing ,but its worth to have a try.

IvanMurzak commented 1 year ago

I don't see how to make it right. @Bian-Sh You can implement it and create a pull request in this repository.

Bian-Sh commented 1 year ago

I don't see how to make it right. @Bian-Sh You can implement it and create a pull request in this repository.

等什么时候我有时间了会去看的,这个功能应该需要服务器API 也支持,我会去做更多的了解,确认这个 if modified 是否可以通过 Head 方法直接请求。

I will take a look when I have time. This feature should require server API support. I will try to understand more and confirm if the "if modified" can be requested directly through the Head method.