IvanSanchez / Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated

Displays rotated/slanted image overlays in Leaflet
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Intergrating with Path transform (2nd try..._) #17

Closed cubecleveland closed 2 years ago

cubecleveland commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the blurry question :)

Library is working great, but we would like to Add a dragging capability for the entire layer.

I'm using leaflet Path transform library to edit and drag shapes https://github.com/w8r/Leaflet.Path.Transform

Library allows to transform and drag polygon shapes on the screen. It seems like a natural combo with your library since if I'm not mistaken the dragging feature is not available yet via your library.

1) Question is: is there any know code snippest to integrate the 2 libraries, 2) If not, is there any simple way we can extend your library to support dragging as well ?

If u can give us some pointers that would be great

IvanSanchez commented 2 years ago

So, follow-up from #16, I guess.

Question is: is there any know code snippest to integrate the 2 libraries,

It's spelt "snippet" and, to my knowledge, there is not.

If not, is there any simple way we can extend your library to support dragging as well ?

I don't think so. The design was focused on display (based on lat-lng), not interaction (based on screen pixel coordinates).

If u can give us some pointers that would be great

Read the code. Understand the architecture. Scratch your own itch.