Ivshti / autoupdaty

Simple auto-updater for Electron app. Can download & verify a new ASAR file, or a new installer.
MIT License
14 stars 2 forks source link

Could you write an example app? Contain client and server, Thanks very much! #1

Open dusdong opened 8 years ago

dusdong commented 8 years ago

Could you write an example app?Contain client and server, Thanks very much!

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

that's a great idea!

Unfortunately I don't have free time at the moment, but I'll try to copy-paste something from Stremio. I understand this doesn't help hugely but it's still something:

function quietAutoupdate() {
  var updater = new autoupdaty({ 
      fs: require("original-fs"),
      manifestUrl: "http://www.strem.io/stremioVersions.json?latest="+Math.floor(Date.now()/(2*60*1000)),
      downloadUrl: "http://www.strem.io/Stremio",
      runtimeVerProp: "stremioRuntimeVersion",
      version: _.pick(require("./package"), "version", "stremioRuntimeVersion"),
      filter: function(x) { return !(x.beta || x.alpha || x.experimental) && !x.disabled },
      getUpdateUrl: function (downloadUrl, version, platform) {
            // ASAR update for Windows
            if (platform == 'asar' && process.platform == 'win32') return { url: downloadUrl + version.version + '.asar.exe' };

            // Get full exe for Windows
            if (platform == 'win32') return { url: downloadUrl + '%20' + version.version + '.exe' }

            return { url: downloadUrl + version.version + ({
                asar: '.asar.gz',
                darwin: '.mac.gz',
                linux: '.linux.tar.gz'
            })[platform], ungzip: true, untar: platform !== 'asar' }

  updater.check(function(err, newest, manifest) {
    if (err) return end(err);
    if (!newest) return end("no new version");

    msg("preparing version "+newest.version);

    updater.prepare(newest, function(err, prepared) {
      if (err) return end(err);

      ipc.on("terminate", function() { end("prepared version "+newest.version) });
      console.log(prepared) // prepared new version - either a directory (OS X full update, linux full update or an exe - Windows updates)

  setTimeout(function() { end("timed out") }, 30*1000);

  function msg(message) { console.log("autoupdater: "+(message.error || message)) }
  function end(message) { msg(message); app.quit() }

The server is just an NGINX hosting those files:

Stremio .exe - installer Stremio.asar.exe - installer that updates the asar file Stremio.mac.gz - .dmg contents but bundled in tar.gz Stremio.asar.gz - asar file, gzipped