Ivshti / linvodb3

Persistent database for Node.js/NW.js/Electron with MongoDB/Mongoose-like features and interface on top of LevelUp
MIT License
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What can stop end user to directly edit database files? #46

Open kilgaloon opened 8 years ago

kilgaloon commented 8 years ago

For example there is some application that uses linvodb, what stops end user to edit files directly with text editor? or is there some way to eliminate this case? Generally im talking about nwjs application, app will be shipped with /db folder where all database files will be. Any ideas how this can be stopped?

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

This is true, for nedb.

For linvodb, it is explained multiple times that it has to use a leveldb-compatible back-end store. This means you can use anything - leveldb, indexeddb, websql, medea. All of those examples don't allow the db to be modified through a text editor easily