Open Ivshti opened 8 years ago
added one test case, others can be added with copy paste
var movies = [
"", //movie
"", //movie with year
"pioneer.201.2014.avi", //movie with stamp & year
"pioneer.1980.2014.avi", //movie with longstamp & year (new movie)
"pioneer.2020.1980.avi" //movie with longstam & year (old movie)
var shows = [
"", //show with long-md
"", //show with short-md //never seen
"", //show with alt-short-md
"", //show with alt-long-md
"", //show with full md //never seen
"", //show with unmarked md
"", //show with year & unmarked short-md
"", //show with year & unmarked long-md
"", //show with year & long-md
"pioneer.201.s01e01.avi" //show with stamp & long-md
"pioneer.201.2014.s01e01.avi" //total fuck up
@vankasteelj thanks
not perfect, but is something
There should be tests for this, covering as many cases as possible.
"" ""
movies as well