Ivy Wallet is an open-source money manager app for Android, no longer maintained. You can fork the code or download the final version from Google Play.
[X] I've requested a single (only one) feature/change in this issue. It complies with the One Request Per GitHub Issue (ORPGI) rule.
[X] My issue is well-defined and describes how it should be implemented from UI/UX perspective.
What do you want to be added or improved?
As a user I want to be able to sync data between different devices/users. I know that beeing offline is a major privacy related perk but having an optional sync would be a huge gamechanger. It could be done by a database file outside of app memory aviable to store in cloud storage or for example kept on local device and aviable to sync with things like Syncthing etc.
It would be a huge upgrade in terms of managing shared budget for couples and bigger families.
Why do you need it?
I want to keep track of OUR finance (with my wife). Keeping track of shared bank accounts without an ability to sync it betwwen users is pointless.
How do you imagine it?
"It could be done by a database file outside of app memory aviable to store in cloud storage or for example kept on local device and aviable to sync with things like Syncthing etc." - I cannot express it in more detailed way, I am not a developer :(
an example of an app with a feature like this is MoneyManagerEx
Please confirm the following:
What do you want to be added or improved?
As a user I want to be able to sync data between different devices/users. I know that beeing offline is a major privacy related perk but having an optional sync would be a huge gamechanger. It could be done by a database file outside of app memory aviable to store in cloud storage or for example kept on local device and aviable to sync with things like Syncthing etc.
It would be a huge upgrade in terms of managing shared budget for couples and bigger families.
Why do you need it?
How do you imagine it?
"It could be done by a database file outside of app memory aviable to store in cloud storage or for example kept on local device and aviable to sync with things like Syncthing etc." - I cannot express it in more detailed way, I am not a developer :(
an example of an app with a feature like this is MoneyManagerEx