IyesGames / iyes_loopless

Alternatives to Bevy States, FixedTimestep, Run Criteria, that do not use "stage looping" and are composable
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"State Transition not found" when adding an enter_system #26

Closed CaioLC closed 2 years ago

CaioLC commented 2 years ago

I have a barebones StatePlugin that crashes whenever I try to add_enter_system(). I saw another opened issue mentioning that the API may have some issue with the Plugin architecture, so I tried moving the add_enter_system to main but did not work either.

this is the error I get:

thread 'main' panicked at 'State Transiton Stage not found (assuming auto-added label)', /{my_directory}/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/iyes_loopless-0.6.1/src/state.rs:306:18

Here's a snippet of my main.rs file

fn main() {
    let mut app = App::new();
    app.insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
        // some not relevant code


and the StatePlugin file:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use iyes_loopless::prelude::*;

pub const STARTING_GAME_STATE: GameState = GameState::MainMenu;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum GameState {

pub struct StatePlugin;
impl Plugin for StatePlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
            .add_enter_system(&GameState::InGame, setup_game); // adding this line crashes the game

// This works fine
fn stage_key_bindings(mut commands: Commands, kb_input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>) {
    if kb_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {

// Mockup reset_game function when entering a new game
fn setup_game(mut commands: Commands) {

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

arewerage commented 2 years ago

Try this:

.add_enter_system(GameState::InGame, setup_game);

UPD: Although… You go from the state of InGame to InGame. I don't think that's a good thing…

UPD2: For debugging, I use:

pub struct DebuggingPlugin;

impl Plugin for DebuggingPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {

fn change_game_state(mut commands: Commands, game_state: Res<CurrentState<GameState>>) {
    match game_state.0 {
        GameState::AssetLoading => {
        GameState::MainMenu => {
        GameState::Gameplay => {

fn n_key_just_pressed(keys: Res<Input<KeyCode>>) -> bool {

fn print_current_game_state(game_state: Res<CurrentState<GameState>>) {
    if game_state.is_changed() {
        println!("Current GameState is {:?}", game_state.0);
hankjordan commented 2 years ago

I found that placing .add_loopless_state(X) before I loaded any plugins solved this issue for me.

CaioLC commented 2 years ago

@arewerage thanks. Removing the reference (&) at &GameState::Ingame fixed it.

Your UPD is also correct. "NextState" from InGame to InGame put me in an endless loop, so removed that as well.