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Class 02 Cloud Computing & AWS Global Infrastructure with GitHub Project Management #2

Closed Jahidul2543 closed 1 week ago

Jahidul2543 commented 2 weeks ago

Cloud Computing & AWS Global Infrastructure with GitHub Project Management

Class Record


This repository contains materials and resources for Class 2 of the Cloud Computing & DevOps course. The focus of this class is on understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing, AWS global infrastructure, and using GitHub for project management.

Class Objectives

Class Agenda

  1. Review Questions from Last Class

    • [x] Address any questions or clarifications from the previous class.
    • [x] Brief recap of key points.
  2. Introduction to Cloud Computing

    • [ ] Definition and key characteristics of cloud computing.
    • [x] Benefits and challenges of cloud computing.
    • [x] Examples of cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).
  3. AWS Global Infrastructure

    • [x] AWS Regions, Availability Zones, and Edge Locations.
    • [x] Importance of understanding global infrastructure for cloud solutions.
    • [ ] Examples of AWS services that utilize global infrastructure (S3, EC2, Route 53).
  4. Introduction to the AWS Management Console

    • [ ] Overview of the AWS Management Console.
    • [ ] Navigating the console and accessing AWS services.
    • [ ] Importance of the console for managing AWS resources.
  5. Introduction to AWS S3

    • [x] Overview of Amazon S3.
    • [ ] Key features and use cases of S3.
    • [ ] Setting up and managing S3 buckets.
    • [ ] Understanding S3 storage classes and their use cases.
  6. What Does "Service" Mean in Cloud Computing?

    • [x] Definition of a service in the context of cloud computing.
    • [x] Examples of different types of services (compute, storage, database, etc.).
    • [x] Importance of services in building cloud-based solutions.
  7. Introduction to GitHub for Project Management

    • [x] What is GitHub?
      • [x] Overview of GitHub as a platform for version control and collaboration.
      • [x] Importance of GitHub in project management and team collaboration.
    • [ ] What is a GitHub Repository?
      • [ ] Explanation of a GitHub repository.
      • [ ] Creating a GitHub repository with static website content for demo purposes.
    • [ ] What is a GitHub Project?
      • [x] Introduction to GitHub Projects as a tool for project management.
      • [x] Setting up a GitHub Project for managing tasks and milestones.
    • [ ] What is a GitHub Issue?
      • [ ] Explanation of GitHub Issues for task tracking.
      • [ ] Creating and managing issues to organize work.
    • [ ] Using GitHub Projects to Manage Our Work
      • [ ] Overview of how GitHub Projects will be used to manage work in upcoming classes.
      • [ ] Demonstrating how to create tasks, assign issues, and track progress.
  8. Hands-On Activity: Setting Up GitHub for Project Management

    • [ ] Creating a New GitHub Repository:
      • [ ] Sign in to GitHub.
      • [ ] Click on the "New" button to create a new repository.
      • [ ] Fill in the repository details (name, description, and visibility).
      • [ ] Initialize the repository with a README file.
    • [ ] Adding Static Website Content to the Repository:
      • [ ] Add simple static website files (e.g., index.html, styles.css).
      • [ ] Demonstrate how to upload files directly through the GitHub interface.
    • [ ] Setting Up a GitHub Project:
      • [ ] Navigate to the "Projects" tab in the repository.
      • [ ] Create a new project board.
      • [ ] Add columns for task management (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done).
    • [ ] Creating and Managing GitHub Issues:
      • [ ] Go to the "Issues" tab in the repository.
      • [ ] Click "New Issue" to create a new task.
      • [ ] Fill in the issue details (title, description, and assignee).
      • [ ] Link issues to the project board for better tracking.
    • [ ] Managing Work with GitHub Projects:
      • [ ] Demonstrate how to move issues across the project board.
      • [ ] Assign issues to team members and set due dates.
      • [ ] Track progress and update issue statuses.

Learning Materials

Evaluation and Feedback

By the end of this class, students will have a solid understanding of cloud computing, AWS global infrastructure, AWS Management Console, AWS S3, and practical experience using GitHub for project management.

Jahidul2543 commented 2 weeks ago


