Izzimach / om-react-pixi

Bindings for om to let you control pixi sprites from clojurescript.
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Hot reload clobbers images #4

Open Izzimach opened 9 years ago

Izzimach commented 9 years ago

When hot-reloading with figwheel the images will sometimes vanish and sprites will then display black boxes instead of the proper image. The interactive example shows this pretty well.

xeqi commented 9 years ago

The upstream issue might be GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js#1238. Looks there is a fix ready for v3 (whenever that is released).

Izzimach commented 9 years ago

Well I guess waiting for pixi v3 is an option. I might add in the hack mentioned there until then though.

xeqi commented 9 years ago

This got more annoying as I kept building. Ended up adding a hack to my project to attempt cleanup and reseting PIXI's internals around webgl, contexts, and textures.

       (will-unmount [_]
         ;;PIXI v2 leaks gl objects and has a hardcoded
         ;;limit of 4 glcontexts.  Lets cleanup for them
         ;;and reset the id to 0 so we can hot-reload
         ;;without issue

         ;; Allow the renderer to cleanup
         (.destroy (aget js/PIXI.instances 0))
         (doseq [texture (vals (js->clj js/PIXI.TextureCache))
                 :let [bt (.-baseTexture texture)]]
           ;; mark the texture dirty so it will regenerate the glTexture for the correct context
           (.dirty bt)
           ;; remove reference to glTexture from previous context
           ;; hopefully it can be GC'd now
           (.. bt -_glTextures pop))
         ;; reset the id used for the renderer/context
         ;; this is used implicitly as the index for renderer->glTextures and renderer->context mappings
         ;; hence some of the cleanup above
         (set! js/PIXI.WebGLRenderer.glContextId 0))

This is sufficient for my case as I only have one PIXI.Stage/webgl context/renderer on screen at a time.

porglezomp commented 8 years ago

This is apparently fixed in Pixi v3, would this be compatible?

Izzimach commented 8 years ago

Still runs on React 0.13, some stuff would need to be updated. I think react-pixi is in cljsjs now though?