J-Rios / TLG_JoinCaptchaBot

Telegram Bot to verify if users joining a group are human. The Bot sends an image captcha for each new user and kicks any of them who can't solve the captcha in a specified time.
GNU General Public License v3.0
515 stars 217 forks source link

[Request] Hide Group Bots Commands Button "/" #123

Closed antikruk closed 2 years ago

antikruk commented 2 years ago

Add the feature to hide button "/" for users.

J-Rios commented 2 years ago


Assuming that you mean the "/" button that appears inside groups and show the available commands of the Bot...

This button comes from Telegram and is Bot account specific configuration that just can be modify manually by the Bot account owner through @BotFather. It means that it is not in Bot source code and can't be modified from Bot, neither make it configurable to hide/show on specific groups, due this is just configured globally for the Bot account for all groups :(

Current Bot accounts that I own have configured just 4 commands (/help, /commands, /language and /about) and this button with that commands are configured because it is useful for some situations.


J-Rios commented 2 years ago

So, to make it hide/show configurable for each specific groups, we need to wait/request Telegram that they add some way to hide that button inside the group settings, or add some way to configure that from Bot API for each specific group.

antikruk commented 2 years ago

Maybe it's better to remove it? Manual input is enough for the administrator. When users constantly click on button, the chat becomes cluttered.

J-Rios commented 2 years ago

Well, in my opinion it is a useful button to allow no experienced users of telegram to at least reach how to send the basic commands like /help or /commands...

Due this is a Bot used by thousand of users and not everyone would want to hide that, I won't change it unless there is a good reason or a good number of users requesting it. i.e. come with some poll where more than 500 members that really wants to hide the button and then it will be hide.

DanyGee commented 2 years ago

I would also like to remove these commands from group's "/" menu. Unexperienced users are simply checking the command and cluttering the chat. Besides, group users don't really need them.

J-Rios commented 2 years ago

Due it is not related to Bot code and just a configuration of deployed Bot accounts through Botfather, this issue will be closed.