J-Tanzanite / Little-Anti-Cheat

Anti-Cheat for Source Games
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[Request] Add detections for CS:GO Anti-Aim/Desync. #142

Open lunatixxx opened 1 year ago

lunatixxx commented 1 year ago

The player does not even have to look in the direction where he hits, you see their shoots going behind them but they are still looking in front, this is actually happening in L4D2.

This is a few month ago post ("fake angle rediscovered") so i suppose that if it exist on csgo all other source games fail for it: https://streamable.com/wc1cjx

In L4D2 they also do 360° melee attack without the model turning around with that.

J-Tanzanite commented 1 year ago

I am not entirely sure why you're showing this and what you want me to focus on here, so I'll just respond to this video as a whole.

This is just Anti-Aim for CS:GO, something I haven't looked into adding for Lilac yet.

Also, this video is from a cheater's perspective, the fact that their player model is facing one way but they're still able to see things behind their model is nothing new, and isn't something that can be worked on; unless we talk about AW.

Finally, the model attacking in a direction they're not facing is silentaim, from the cheater's perspective, there's no snap. From the perspective of other players and the server, they'd snap (There are some complications to this), and so sending me footage from the perspective of a cheater isn't really helping anything; they can render whatever they want on their end, that's not something a server side AC can deal with.

CS:GO specific Anti-Aim detections will come at a later date.