J-Tanzanite / Little-Anti-Cheat

Anti-Cheat for Source Games
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Add support for DeathMatch.TF and administration-agnostic bans #187

Open Naleksuh opened 1 year ago

Naleksuh commented 1 year ago

DeathMatch.TF uses a custom, proprietary, administration system, which isn't present in SourceBans. However, adding every single one is probably not reasonable, which is why I added administration-agnostic bans via the sm_ban command-- simply having the system do things the same way the users do.

sapphonie commented 1 year ago

This is not ban system agnostic, and shouldn't be tied to a DMTF cvar. I'd accept it if it was something like lilac_use_console_bans or something

Naleksuh commented 1 year ago

@sapphonie The way it's set up is to check if it exists, and if it doesn't, use the generic one. That means that it should work fine on any server that isn't DMTF-oriented. Is it not working for you? If so, I can edit it to only use the console ones-- which do work, anyway.

sapphonie commented 1 year ago

@sapphonie The way it's set up is to check if it exists, and if it doesn't, use the generic one. That means that it should work fine on any server that isn't DMTF-oriented. Is it not working for you? If so, I can edit it to only use the console ones-- which do work, anyway.

I was referring to the cvar names, as well as the inclusion of a library that is used by exactly one server network.